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"Your dad fought a Dragon?" Derek sighed, 

She nodded, "He went back to the time of King Arthur" 

"Bloody hell" Dean laughed, 

"My namesake" Arthur revealed, 

They all seemed more impressed now, "You're named after the King Arthur?" Sam asked, 

"Met him as well" Arthur laughed, "There were three of us with the name Arthur" 

"Well soldiers would be easy to deal with, how the hell do we kill a dragon?" Scott asked, 

"A sword forged in dragon's blood" Dean explained, 

They all turned to him in shock, "Excuse me?" Lydia asked, 

"What" Dean shrugged, "You're gonna struggle to find something we haven't killed" 

They all still looked shock apart from Arthur and Megan, "Unfortunately Dean, it's a different type of dragon" 

"Crap" Dean cursed, 

"So how do we deal with this one?" Sam asked, 

"Well Dad used the scythe of Kronos. There were rumours of piercing a Dragons heart, the issue is their hide is so thick that you can't pierce it without either the weapon of a god or..." She trailed off, 

"Or what?" Nick demanded, "Could you stop trailing off" 

"Watch it" Arthur growled, eyes flashing yellow, "If we were in our normal bodies I'd smite you where you stood" 

"Arthur" Derek growled, his own eyes flashing red,

On instincts Arthur stood back, remembering how he'd lost challenges like this to his father before. 

"Or!" Megan started again, "A sword forged in the dragon's breath, like excalibur" 

"But our excalibur wouldn't work?" Dean asked, 

The siblings nodded, "We need Dad's excalibur" 

"Where the hell do we find that?" Nick asked, 

This time the siblings shrugged, "We don't know what happened to it after the war" 

"Dad sent us all away, our sister as well" Arthur finished off, "He took his sword into the final battle against Chaos and his armies" 

"So we can't kill it" Sam summarised, 

"There is one other way" Nick spoke up, smirking, 

"What's that?" Arthur demanded, not liking this doppelganger of his father, 

Holding his hand in the air, Nick's eyes glowed purple as a black blade formed in his hand. Then, placing his other hand underneath it, he dragged it downwards making it expand into a spear. 

"You said you needed the weapon of a god? How about the spear of a dark angel?" Derek took the spear from him, 

"That'll do" Megan laughed, "But whose gonna use it?" 

Dean took the spear off of Derek, "We got this, line up the shot and we'll take it" 

"We still don't know if it's actually a dragon" Arthur offered, 

All of a sudden Derek's phone rang. Quickly he answered it, 

"What's going on Parish?" He asked the lawman. He listened to him over the phone and sighed, "There's a dragon attacking downtown? We're on our way" 

"Spoke to soon" Stiles laughed earning a smack on the back of the head from Lydia. 

-- Line Break -- 

The pack, plus Nick and Castiel walked down the street. Eyeing the dragon that was currently flying over their heads, 

"How do we get it's attention?" Derek asked, 

Chris drew his gun, and as soon as the dragon landed on a nearby building he fired two shots. Striking it in it's chest. Letting out a mighty roar the dragon sent a pillar of fire towards the group. Thankfully, Castiel Nick and Lisa brought up shields that diverted the flames away. 

"We need to get it on the ground!" Megan shouted over the noise of people screaming and car alarms. 

The wolves and humans all started evacuating people, leading them away from the danger zone as the angels, witch and Chris kept drawing the dragons attention elsewhere. 

"I'm open to ideas!" Chris yelled back, 

Nick looked around, but there was nothing there, "Fuck it" he cursed before running into the middle of the road, "Oi!" He yelled, "Goat-breath!" 

The dragon saw this, tilting it's head it reared back and bellowed out another column of fire. Thankfully Nick was able to disperse it around himself until it stopped, "That's not going to work" he mocked. 

Realising this, the Dragon landed on the street and smacked Nick into the wall with it's tail. 

"Ow" The angel of darkness groaned, 

Lisa casted purple energy from her hands, ropes attached themselves to one of it's legs. From the other side, Castiel used his power to keep it's other leg still. Finally Nick shook off the impact and used his, more powerful, abilities to contain it's wings. 

When the Dragon realised it was stuck, it tried to pull away. It's tail came around to strike Lisa, but Derek was suddenly there. Fully shifted and holding the tail strongly, "Not this time" he growled, his eyes glowing red. 

Down the street, an engine roared to life. The headlights lit up the night as the Impala started racing towards the dragon. 

"Take the wheel!" Dean yelled to Sam as he grabbed the spear and sat on the drivers door. He levelled the spear towards the dragon. 

They were jousting on an Impala. 

The closer they got, the more the Dragon began to notice them. Then, when they were close enough, a column of fire emerged from the dragon's mouth. However, out of nowhere, Jack ran out onto the street, "No!" He yelled, holding his hand up. The fire froze where it was before rewinding and flying back into the Dragon's mouth. 

Now on the home straight, Sam floored it until the tip of the spear impaled the Dragon. In an instant the dragon exploded into golden dust.

Slowing to a stop, Dean laughed, 

"Lancelot ain't got shit on me"

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