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"Did Ciri make this?" Nick asked, 

The Angel nodded, "She is connected to the very fabric of space. My bet is she found the weakest point in the entire universe, then she tried to pry it open to find Lily's father" 

"But you stopped her before she could?" Jaskier asked, 

He nodded, "The portal she opened in Sheila's house wasn't to another universe. It  was to here. She was linking Sheila's house to this monument and then would've opened this crack into an even bigger portal that we could go through to find Niklaus Mikaelson" 

"What do we do" Jaskier sighed, "No one can close a crack in space like this, it's never been done" 

"Somethings tying us together. Something brought Lily back. I think there's only one way to find out what that something is" The Angel said, 

Jaskier groaned, "What?" Nick asked, "What's he talking about?" 

"He doesn't want us to shut the crack" He revealed, "He wants to smash it wide open" 

-- Line Break --

The Tardis materialised in Gramm's kitchen. As the Angel ran out, Grams was already yelling, 

"How dare you park in my kitchen!" She was yelling, "You can't park there!" 

Angel ran straight past her, into the living room where everyone was sat, 

"So, quick update, We've found a portal to another universe where mine and Nick's doppelganger possibly is. We're going to open it and go through it" He explained at a rapid pace, "Any questions?" 

"What do you need us for?" Caroline asked, 

"Backup?" The Angel offered, 

"Good enough for me" The Original agreed jumping up and heading for the Tardis, 

"Tobias, help me get Ciri" Angel ordered. They ran upstairs and started bringing her downstairs, When they approached the Tardis Nick came out and helped  Tobias upstairs, 

"Well Mrs Bennet, I am so incredibly grateful for your help and for hosting us!" He walked into the living room and grabbed Ciri's bag. As he was about to come back he saw Sheila stood Infront of the Tardis door, 

"I can't let you go" She told him, "That girl contains more power than anyone I have ever met. If you do not let me teach her she could destroy us all" 

"We don't have time" The Angel told her, "We need her help and we're going to train her don't worry" 

"You came for my help. Begged me for it. Now take my advice. Do not wake that girl up, or her power could destroy us all" She warned, 

Finally she stepped out of the way, her warning hanging in the air, 

"Ciri would never hurt us" He offered, 

"I know that, but there are those who would use her power for evil" She said, 

He nodded, "I'll protect her" 

"There is something hanging over you Angel" she warned, "A dark shadow... something is returning" 

He shook his head, "I'm sick to death of prophecies without answers" 

And with that final word he entered the Tardis and slammed the door, Sheila's words playing on repeat in his head. 

-- Line Break -- 

"We're in space...." Caroline laughed as she stepped out of the Tardis, "We're not on earth" 

"Nope, welcome to the monument of my people" The Angel said, "The final resting place of the Time Lords of Gallifrey"

"I'm sorry" Rebekah said to the Time Lord, "I know it's hard losing everyone" 

"I know Bex" The Angel smiled softly, "Thank you"

The group exited the Tardis, gathering in the antechamber. Ciri had finally woken up, joining the rest of the group, "I made that?" the young girl asked, 

The Angel nodded, "Your connection to the fabric of space tore it open whilst you were searching for the other Niklaus" 

"So what do we do?" She asked, 

"We need a way to open the portal, get through, and once we're through we can find the other Niklaus and figure out what's bringing us all together" He planned, 

"But how do we all get through?" Caroline asked, "Don't we need to keep it open from this side?" 

"We do" he sighed, "Which is why we won't all be going through" 

"I'm not leaving you" Ciri argued immediately, "We can find another way" 

The Angel shook his head, "Ciri we don't know what's on the other side of that portal, the safest way to do it is for myself, Nick and Lily go through. That way the rest of you are safe" 

"No way!" Caroline exclaimed, "I'm not staying here!" 

"Care I can't take you through with me" Nick argued with his girlfriend, "I need you to stay here with the others, help protect them" 

"Bullshit" she screeched, "You just don't want me in danger" 

"We need people protecting Ciri. If things go south, she can find me. Bring us home" The Angel tried to explain, "If it's just me, Nick and Lily then everyone here can protect her" 

"He's right Caroline" Tobias sighed, "As much as I hate it, Tobias can't be killed" 

"And Angel can regenerate" Jaskier, chimed in, "Plus a Tardis is near indestructible"

"Fine" She grumbled, "But if you're not back soon, I'm coming in after you" 

"Fine" He sighed,

"Right then. Let's open a portal to another universe"

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