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Derek pulled up across the street from the motel, stepping out of the car he approached Chris, "What's up?" He asked the ex-hunter, 

Night had fallen so the only light around was street lights, which Chris had elected to stay out of, "What do you see?" He asked pointing at the motel.

Using his Alpha eyes to see through the dark, Derek examined the front of the motel, "Cars and a crappy motel?" 

Chris pointed at one car in particular, a 67 Chevy Impala, "What do you make of that car?" 

"It's nice..." Derek trailed off, not seeing whatever Chris did, 

Sighing the older man turned to the Alpha, "What do you know about the Winchesters?" 

A shiver went down his spine, Winchester was a name that he'd heard only in rumour. Hunters who could kill anything. Who had been to hell and back and fought the devil himself. 

"How sure are you?" Derek asked, fearful of these new hunters in town, 

"Almost 100%" Chris replied confirming his worse fears, "I figured that they'd know Argents were here and would stay away, but now that technically there aren't any..." 

"They could be here to pick up the slack" Derek groaned, "Good work Chris. Do you reckon you can tail them?" 

He shrugged, "These guys are the best of the best Derek. I can try but it wouldn't help" 

Derek patted him on the back, "We have to try" he sighed before clambering back into his own car and phoning Scott, 

When the other Alpha picked up the phone Derek explained the situation, "Scott the Winchesters are the most ruthless hunters out there. We can't leave town while they're here" 

"The Winchesters?" Derek heard Megan ask in the background, "That can't be a coincidence" 

"Scott put me on speakerphone" Derek sighed, "Mikaelson. Talk" 

"We knew the Winchesters, during the build up to the war. If they're here they could help us" She explained, "Especially if they have Jack and Castiel" 

"Who?" Scott asked on the other end, "It doesn't matter for now, but if my timeline knowledge is right then Jack was born earlier this year and Castiel is back from the dead" 

"So we need to talk to them?" Derek sighed, 

"Come back here first, we'll come up with a plan of attack" She offered, 

Derek sighed before hanging up, "All I want is one normal year in Beacon Hills" he complained. Shifting his car into gear he drove off intent on reaching the McCall household. When out of nowhere he collided with something. It appeared out of thin air and his car smacked straight into it. The main issue was, the object did more damage to the car.

Climbing out of the car, he inspected what he had crashed into. It looked like a large pepper pot with three cylindrical objects sticking out of it. It's head, if you can call it that, whirled around until it's eyestalk was looking straight at Derek. The two objects on it's torso quickly turned to follow, 

"Identify!" It's mechanic voice screeched, 

"What are you?" Derek demanded, not recognising the tank, 

"Identify!" The machine repeated, 

"You first" Derek challenged, 

"Dalek's do not accept orders!" It challenged, 

"So you're a Dalek?" Derek asked, 

The Dalek staid silent for a second. Seemingly realising it's mistake. Then it spoke again, 


-- Line Break -- 

Nick, Dean and Castiel ventured deeper into the woods, after their encounter with the Nazis Dean had retrieved one of their M16s and was currently moving cautiously along with the Angels. 

"Keep that angel sense of yours on high alert" Dean told his companions, "If something catches up with us, I want to shoot first this time" 

He got no reply from the Angels as they kept moving, Still trying to find what was calling to them.

"You know what we haven't seen yet" Castiel seemed to realise, "Wolves" 

"There are a couple of alphas in this town, I can feel it" Nick confirmed, "One is impossibly powerful for a wolf" 

"Great, Nazis and super-alphas. What's next vampires?" He scoffed, 

Something sped past them, "You just had to ask" Nick cursed as the trio went back to back, 

Something sped past again and Dean fired off a warning burst, "Who's there?!" He yelled out, 

As it sped past again, it shoved Dean away. Throwing him into a nearby tree. 

"Dean!" Castiel called out, running after him, 

Nick was about to follow when something collided with him. It probably expected the regular looking man to be thrown away as well. But instead it was like it ran into a concrete block. 

"Hello" Nick said. He could now finally get a good look at the thing attacking them. It was just a random bloke, but when he snarled it revealed a set of fangs. The vampire tried to roar at Nick, but all that happened was Nick wheezed, "Has anybody ever told you you need a mint?!"

He grabbed the Vamp's throat before placing his other hand on it's forehead, "Now burn!" he growled. Purple light shone through the vampire's eyes and mouth before suddenly cutting off. Nick dropped him. Upon further inspection you would discover that there were burn marks around the eyes that were no longer in it's skull. 

"Dean, from now on you're not allowed to talk"

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