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The group had returned to the Mcall house, the Tardis materialising in the living room. After all the introductions and explanations had taken place with everybody. The next stage of the planning had begun, 

"There's only four of you" Megan whispered, but thanks to Nick's tribrid hearing he heard her, 

"What did you say?" He asked, 

"Lily showed you all five regenerations right?" The wolf asked,

The Angel nodded in reply, 

"Then why are there only four of you here?" She asked, 

"Is it important?" Derek asked, 

The Angel nodded, "So far, everything ties back to their father. We have regenerations 2 through 5. We still need his first face. The first Niklaus Mikaelson" 

"Hansard Grey" Megan corrected, "When Dad first started all of this, he went by the name Hansard Grey" 

"Right so get Lily, get her scanning headlines and news articles. Anything weird or to do with our situation.  Dean and Sammy should help her, research is their gig" The Angel suggested, "Scott, Chris, Arthur and Stiles are going to investigate the local area, patrol the streets and be ready to alert any of us in case more things turn up" 

Derek nodded, agreeing with the plane, "The rest of us need to collate every ounce of information viable to this issue. Any prophecies, ancient writings. Signs of what this is leading to" he offered, 

"Sounds good" Scott agreed, "Lets get to it" 

-- Line Break -- 

"So you're telling me you found them in a temple in Athens?" The Angel asked Derek who nodded, 

"We took Malia there and found Isaac , when we came back we were bringing Arthur and Megan instead somehow" The Alpha explained, 

"And you found a door, that had the name Niklaus Mikaelson on it?" Nick asked, "I'm guessing it doesn't mean my Uncle"

"No" Megan agreed, "It means Dad, but there was a bunch of runes around it that for some reason we couldn't read" 

The Angel grabbed a nearby pen and paper and started drawing rapidly, "Did it look like this?" He asked, switching it around to show exactly what Derek had told them about, 

"Yes" Derek agreed, "Exactly like that..." 

"I saw it. In a vision. Except for me the runes were hidden or I'd be able to read them" He explained, "That pedestal looks like the key though" 

"Look at the indents" Nick the dark archangel suddenly realised, "Circular holes" 

"Rings..." The Angel whispered, then turning to Stiles he got all energetic, "You said you found a ring? That it was at the same place?"

"Yeah" Derek answered, holding his finger up and showing the ring, 

"Let me guess" The Time Lord whirled around to the Dark Archangel and the Tribrid, "You two have rings special to you as well?" 

The Nicks nodded, and upon there answer the Angel held up his hand, "Well look what I've got" he gestured to his own ring. Project Excalibur. 

"So we need 5 rings? Which at this point I'm assuming belong to each of Dad's doppelgangers?" Megan asked, 

"I can only assume so" The Angel sighed, 

"Then we have an Issue" Nick the Tribrid sighed, 

"We know" Derek groaned, "We're missing a doppelganger" 

Nick shook his head, "Not that" 

"Then what....?" The Angel trailed off, 

He ran his hands through his hair in annoyance, "If it's the ring I'm thinking about. Then It's not here" 

"Then where the hell is it?" The dark archangel demanded, 

"Oh no" The Angel sighed, "Please tell me it's not where I think it is" 

"It's with Caroline. In our universe" He revealed, 

"Bollocks" The Angel cursed, "Which means not only do we have to return to our universe, we need to find exactly where The Huntress took everyone to hide them from the shadow proclamation!" 

"Any attempt to escape this universe will bring down all the attention we don't want" Derek scolded, "Whoever is controlling Kolasi, will send everything they have to stop us" 

"So we defend them" Megan suggested, "Castiel and Nick will open the portal. Nick Grey and The Angel will locate the ring and bring it back whilst the rest of us hold off Kolasi" 

"We can't stop him though" Nick the archangel sighed, "He's stronger than us" 

"Unless..." The Angel trailed off, 

"What?" Derek demanded, 

"You said that your dad beat him right? That he killed him?" The Time Lord asked, 

Megan nodded, 

"Then we send someone else. Megan and Arthur can take the Tardis, find the others and get the ring" He offered, "Whilst the four of us fight him. Between the four of us we have almost all of his abilities" 

"We could stand a chance" Derek agreed, "And if we find the fifth Doppelganger..." 

"We could beat him" The tribrid finished for everyone, "And take the fight to whoever is controlling him" 

"And bring back Dad"

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