15 1 0

Scott, Derek, Megan, Dean, Cas and Nick were trapsing through the woods. Using Scott and Derek as supernatural homing beacons for the nemeton. The sky had quickly turned dark and everyone was on high alert, especially after the warnings Megan and Arthur had given to them. 

"So the Nemeton, Jack and Nick open a portal to get your bodies back. Then what?" Dean asked, "We know we can kick ass, but we still don't know whose ass we're kicking?" 

"As soon as we're back in our original bodies, we have all our power and knowledge back. Our super brains and senses. Arthur and I will track them down in a hearbeat" Megan offered, "But we have to get there first" 

"Before, whenever we were trying to find the Nemeton it wouldn't work. The Nemeton can't normally be found by someone who wants to find it" Scott explained, "The best person to find it was always Malia" 

"Crap" Megan groaned, "She lived in this forest for years, whereas I did not" 

The darkness seemed to swirl all around them, a mist following in. 

"I really don't like this" Derek sighed, "Something feels off" 

"Yeah we're going in circles" Cas agreed, "We need a solid way to find the nemeton" 

"Nick can't you fly and have a look?" Megan asked, 

The dark Archangel shook his head, "There was an incident. I lost my wings" 

"There's definitely no way we can stop him then" Megan sighed, "Let's just hope you have enough power to open the portal" 

They continued walking until a branch snapped behind them. Every one of them swirled round, ready to strike, only to be ordered to stand down by Nick, "Relax" Looking at the son of Lucifer before him, "What are you doing here Jack?" 

"It's calling me" He whispered, looking off to the right. He ventured in the general direction of where he was looking, 

"Cas isn't strong enough, I'm not at full power..." Nick realised slowly, "But Jack is a fully powered archangel nephilim. He's now our best hope" 

They followed him, praying to whatever deity or idol they believed in that this would work. 

Then lo and behold, they entered a clearing. And in the centre of the clearing sat the Nemeton. 

"That's it" Scott exclaimed, "That's the nemeton" 

"Jack, Nick, Cas" Megan ordered immediately, "Get to work" 

Nick led Jack and Cas to the tree and urged them to lay a hand on it, whilst the others formed a protective circle, "If we're right and somethings protecting this place, we shouldn't have found it so easily. Not even Jack, which means..." 

"They want us here" Dean agreed, "But why?" 

"A trap?" Derek asked, "But we want to be here?" 

Megan looked at the trio by the tree. The son of darkness. The son of the devil. The son of God. All working in harmony to help them. 

"To lure the two of you here?" Megan asked Derek, indicating towards him and Nick, "Clearly the doppelganger thing means something, but what?" 

Light sparked from the nemeton, whilst the darkness from the treeline seemed to swirl towards it, "It's working" Megan grinned, looking forward to being in her own body once more, "IT'S WORKING!"

The wind roared around them and surrounded the nemeton as an orange crack appeared in the air just above the centre of the nemeton. 

"Why isn't anything defending it?" Derek demanded, "You said it was protected?" 

Megan waved him off, "We'll figure that out once I'm back in my body" 

The crack began to widen, a black centre revealing itself. "Go!" Dean ordered, waving her on, 

Megan closed her eyes, ready to jump back through the portal and back into her own body. But... she couldn't sense it. 

"It's not working" She yelled over the noise of the ever growing wind, "Either somethings blocking me or it's going to the wrong place!" 

"Then we need to shut it down" Derek decided, attempting to grab Nick. Only to be flung backwards by an invisible force. 

"What the hell" Dean demanded, "Cas!" he yelled, "Stop the damn thing!" 

When it was clear they weren't going to reply. Dean took his gun and fired a shot into the portal. 

"What the hell is that gonna do!" Scott yelled at the hunter, 

"I don't know!" Dean cried out, "But generally dark portals end up with something shit coming out!" 

"I couldn't have put it better myself" A russian voice announced to the group as the wind died down, 

"No..." Megan whispered, 

From the dark portal, a tall man walked out. A black shirt, the first three buttons undone. Black suit pants and a black blazer. His black hair slicked back and his eyes glowing a vicious purple, "Hello niece" 

"Kolasi" Megan spat out with more disgust than anyone thought possible, "You're supposed to be dead" 

"But I'm here" he laughed, "In the flesh. No matter how many times you're bastard father kills me" 

"We've beaten you twice already, once more will be a walk in the park" Megan yelled at her Uncle, 

He just kept laughing, "Little girl, you don't have your father. All you have are lesser doppelgangers. You stand no chance to defeat me" 

"We can try" Megan growled, her eyes flashing blue, 

Kolasi stepped forwards, darkness following him like a cape, "You're father was infinitely more powerful than any of you, what makes you think you stand a chance" 

"Whenever I've needed him, whenever we've been in too much danger. There's always been one constant thing" She whispered, 

Kolasi rolled his eyes and sighed, "And what would that be?" 

"Dad would always save us" She whispered, 

"Well where's your precious father this time?" He demanded, "Because without him, YOU CAN'T STOP ME!" 

His speech was interrupted by a wheezing sound filling the air. A sound that made Megan want to fall to her knees and cry with joy. 

The sound of a Tardis.


You didn't think it would be that easy did you? 

This is the end of part one and you won't find out what happens after this until the start of part three. So for now, enjoy part two. 

- HG

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