ARC ONE: Changes

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Akaime's POV

I awoke to a loud pounding coming from outside my window. Grumbling, I turned over and forced myself out of my warm and comfortable bed. I made my way over to the window. I unlocked the hatch and slid the window open to feel the cold breeze hit my stomach through the thin crop top I had slept in. I looked over at the clock sitting against my nightstand to see it was only 9:03am.

"It's too early for this shit Tsuki" I say while turning around, heading back into bed.

My childhood friend Tsuki, made her way through my window and into my messy room, the smell of her signature perfume filling the sent of my room as she did. She scoffed at the sight of all the discarded clothes and unorganized things scattered around my floor. She was always the type to keep things clean, unlike myself.

"I'm literally wanted in all of Japan, I can't just stroll through your front door in the middle of the day!" She said.

She was right. Tsuki and I had grown up together in a small village with a couple other of my close friends before all of our lives went to shit. We were all separated and had gone our different ways.I eventually reunited with Tsuki when she broke into my house one night to "surprise" me...I almost died from a heart attack that night. Tsuki wasn't technically human either... well she was, she had a human soul...but was also a curse. She used to be a regular person until our separation. After our reunion, I found out she had been abducted and combined with multiple different curses. Making her, essentially a human curse. After that she decided to use her power to steal, fuck with people and just make a living. Not that I could judge though, not like my life had turned out any differently...

"Whatever it my last day here anyways so take as much food as you want" I replied, knowing she only came this early to eat breakfast.

I heard her laugh as she walked away and into the kitchen of my small house. I lived alone but my friends always came over to either eat my food or use my bathroom. Not that I minded, we were all like family to each other. A family that could rely on each other no matter how much shit were in. The sound of Tsuki cracking a fresh can of soda open in the morning was like my daily alarm clock. She was picky about the soda she drank so for her birthday last month I traveled to the east to stock up on a particular soda she had been obsessed with since we were kids.

I got myself out of bed once more and grabbed some clothes for the day. I headed for the bathroom, making myself somewhat presentable for the day. After pulling my hair into a messy bun, I exited the bathroom and heard the front door unlock and open.

"Ugh it's too hot out today" Himura said while barging in.

Himura was my other childhood friend who had also been through some rough shit in life. She was actually the first person I reunited with after what we call "the blackout" mostly because we were too young and traumatized to remember it...except for me. Curses were a normal occurrence in our village as kids, all of us could see them. They were like bees, everyone said if you just left them alone...they would leave you alone. Though one day, a curse came that destroyed our entire village...along with our families. Only four of us survived; Me, Tsuki, Himura, and Miki.

"Hey Himu! You hear about Aki's incident at Kyoto?!" Tsuki yelled from the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed at the fact she had to bring that up. Tsuki was a bitch most of the time to literally everyone around her, but with us she was still a bitch... but a bitch that cared and loved us.

"Ha no? What happened?" Himura asked while taking a pop tart and sitting on my couch.

"Nothing...just...might've...almost maybe...killed someone?" I said almost in a question.

"...I- How did I not hear about this yet?!?" She asked.

"Cuz you were on a mission...duh" I replied.

Himura and I both went to Kyoto while Tsuki and Miki were off doing probably illegal shit. Though after almost killing my classmate Kamo Noritoshi...I've found myself being transferred to Jujutsu College.

"Noritoshi just pissed me off..." I continued.

"So let me guess... your eyes turned all spooky?" Himura asked.

My cursed techniques were a bit complicated... I don't quite remember the details of how it manifested but I know it's due to the black out.
I've always had a great memory, I can recall almost everything that I've ever seen. But during the blackout...some parts do get a bit blurry, even for me. All I can remember is how many fires were burning and how much smoke was in the air. I could see my friends and family turning to ashes around me. I tried my best to stop the chaos, I had taken all my cured energy and tried to absorb all the smoke. I did just that, took in all the smoke and imbued it into my cursed energy, my memory, and my soul.

Guess you could say I'm a smoker at heart. Ever since then I've learned to manipulate cursed energy into smoke. Not just any smoke though, I've learned different techniques to heal, poison, and even steal memories. Though there's one thing I never understood about my eyes. Himura say it's similar to the six eyes she's read about Satoru Gojo, but instead mine eyes are blue and turn red whenever my cursed energy gets out of control. I usually black out around that time and lose control of my body and mind.
I usually count on Himura to stop me from hurting anyone, including myself...

"Look I don't know what happened!! All I know is Utahime had to knock me out and principal Gakuganji is mad at me!" I say in frustration.

"Well I'll probably hear about it from Mai or someone today at school" Himura said.

"Yeah...speaking of which...I'm being transferred to Jujutsu College..." I said almost whispering.

"JUJUTSU COLLEGE?!?" Himura and Tsuki both shouted out in shock.

"WHAT?!? What! What's wrong with it?!?" I said also shocked, but at their reactions.

"That's literally our rival school!" Himura said.

"My dad tried to kill some dude who goes there" Tsuki chipped in.

"First of all it's our SISTER school not our rival school" I said "and also...what Tsuki?"

"Well not my dad "dad" but the guy who gave me my curses and who basically raised me" Tsuki replied.

"...The motherfucker who kidnapped you?" Himura stated in confusion.

"Call it what you want...we all had a dysfunctional childhood and I intend to make the best of mine!" Tsuki said.

"I have no words...anyways I'll be staying at their dorms so if you want to stay here you can" I said to Tsuki, knowing she never really had a permanent place.

She took me up on the offer and made herself at home. Walking past me and laying down on my couch to watch tv. Himura headed off to school early as I made my way to the train station with my packed bags. I didn't bring much, just a suitcase full of essentials and a couple of extra clothes.

As I hopped on the train I put my earbuds in and played some music, hoping to calm me down. I looked out the window as the train departed from the station to its next destination, my next destiny. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what Jujutsu college would be like...hopefully this time I wouldn't fuck everything up.

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