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Megumi's POV

I was scrolling through my phone on my bed while Yuji played Mario Kart on the tv in my room. I set my phone down for a second and got up to use the bathroom, stepping over Yuji as I left my room. When I came back my phone had lit up with a buzz indicating I had gotten a text. I walked over and picked it up to read the message...

Message From Akaime:
Goodnight, I love you!

I stared at my phone as my face got red...did I read that right? I read it over and over again until Yuji interrupted me saying he was going to bed. I only nodded while still having my eyes locked on that text.

She loved me?

Did she mean to send that? Was it a wrong text? If so...who was she texting that she loved?!? My mind was running full of questions that needed answers. I opened the text on my phone and began to type back but everything I typed I immediately deleted after. I didn't know what to say. I decided I would try to sleep and ask her about it in the morning.

                               Time Skip

It was the middle of the day and I still hadn't seen Akaime, why did Gojo have to send her out on a mission today? Her and Yuji were going off to some abandoned hospital for the day to fight a grade 2 curse. I could've gone with her...why did he have to pick Yuji.

I shook my head and tried to carry on with my day. Though I kept thinking about Akaime and that text she had sent to me last night...

                           Akaime's POV

"You're really strong Aki!" Yuji said

We had just finished up with our mission, sweat and blood dripping down from both of our bodies. They said we'd only be fighting a grade 2 but a bunch of other curses showed up last minute. It was a pain in the ass to say the least.

"So are you Yuji" I said back to him with a smile

We started to walk about to where Iditchi was waiting for us with the car. Over the past few weeks Yuji and I had formed a friendship and had gotten more comfortable being around each other. I heard from Gojo that he was Sukunas vessel but I had to see that shit to believe it. Yuji did give off a strong amount of cursed energy but I could never tell if it was him or the curse inside.

"Hey Aki... can I ... ask you something?" Yuji asked while scratching the back of his head.

"Sure!" I responded

"Do you really love Fushiguro?" He said making me freeze up

"WHAT?!?" I asked in shock "why would you say that" I said letting out a fake chuckle

How did he know? I mean I don't even know if I love him love him...I definitely really like him..he's hot...and kind...but how does YUJI KNOW?!?

"Oh! Sorry well, I saw the text on his phone you sent him last night saying goodnight and that you loved him so I guess-" He said before I cut him off.

"SHIT!" I said while pulling out my phone.

I looked back through my text history and realized I had sent that text to Megumi instead of my friends group chat. In my defense I was tired. Panic set in as I realized what I had done and the fact that he definitely had seen it but not responded.

"Shit shit shit! I meant to send that to the group chat of my friends back home!" I explained.

"Shit! I'm sorry I didn't know!" He said.

I told him it was okay as we continued to walk back to the car. My face was red in embarrassment from the stupid text. What did Megumi think? What would he say? Those thoughts continued through the whole ride back to the school.

As we pulled up it started to rain, dark clouds taking over the sky told me a storm was coming.
I hated storms for multiple different reasons the most being the memories it brought back. A shiver of anxiety sprung over me as Yuji and I walked through the yard into the doors of Jujutsu College.

Nobara and Panda were sitting on the couch in the common room watching a movie while Inumaki was cleaning up dinner. I gave them a smile as I passed and headed upstairs to my dorm. As I walked through the hallways I could hear the loud Thunder booming outside. Call me a pussy but I hated that sound. My anxiety turned to full on panic as I quickened my pace. I ended up running into my room and throwing myself under my covers, trying to hide from the weather. I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes and I held my arms close and tried my best to think happy thoughts. Why did everything have to go so wrong today...

Megumi's POV

I looked out my window to see a bad storm starting to brew outside. I hoped Akaime was back by now, I knew how much she hated storms. Just as the thought crossed my mind I heard a door slam from down the hall. Was that her? I got up and out of my bed while headed towards her room. I could see that her lights were off but I decided to knock anyways. I took a deep breath and hit the door with my knuckles a couple of times.

There was no answer. I knocked again but still nothing. I tried the handle and it seemed to be unlocked. I decided to just peak my head in to see if she was there. I cracked open her door and looked in to see her curled up under all her blankets. I let out a sigh of relief realizing she had made it back alright but then I noticed the muffled cries from under the covers.

I hesitated for second, contemplating whether or not to enter her room and invade her privacy. I decided to walk in and at least make sure she was okay.

"Akaime?" I asked while entering the room.

I saw slight movement under the covers until she pulled them down to reveal her puffy eyes and red face. My heart sank at the sight of her tears, I sat down at the edge of her bed.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah..." she muffled out in a whisper.

"Come on, you can come sleep in my room" I said.

She paused for a second before pulling the rest of the covers off of her.

"You remembered?" She said.

Seeing her toned body through her crop top that had ridden up a bit to reveal more of her stomach. What caught my attention were all the scars on her looks like she'd been through a lot.

"Yes, now come on" I said

I pulled her up while she kept insisting she was okay, I knew it was a lie though. I led her out of her room and into mine, only letting go of her hand to unlock my door.

"Why is it so cold in here?" She asked, bring her arms up to cover her chest.

"Sorry, Yuji keeps his AC on all the time so it makes mine cold since we're right next to each other" I said while heading towards my dresser.

I pulled out one of my sweatshirts and brought it over to Akaime. She looked at me confused until I scoffed and instructed her to put her arms up. As she did so I slid the hoodie onto her, slightly grazing my hands against her waist as I adjusted it. I could see the blush rise on her face, damn she was so fucking cute.

I stepped back and took a seat on my bed motioning her to do the same.

"Thank you" She said softly as she sat down.

"Common let's get some sleep" I said.

I laid down in my bed while pulling Akaime into my arms. She stiffened up by my swift action but seemed to relax once I pulled the covers over us.

"Is it okay?" I asked.

I felt her head nod up and down before she clutched the side of my arm tightly.

"Goodnight Akaime" I said while placing a kiss on the back of her head.

"Goodnight Megumi" She said, already half asleep.

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