Tsuki Etsuko

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                                Tsuki's POV

I was sat on the edge of an abandoned building, looking out at the night sky while Geto talked to some shady dude about business. I didn't care much about the details, I was just dragged along because Choso didn't wanna go.

"Alright we're done here, let's go" Geto said from behind me.

I swung my legs over the side and hopped of the edge, making my way over to the tall dark haired man. He told me we had an assignment to go on in Tokyo tomorrow and to be ready...whatever that meant.

We parted ways after he gave me a share of money for my days work. I rolled my eyes and scoffed when I saw he had shorted me a bit. I shoved it in my pocket and made my way back to Aki's house, where I now spent most of my nights. Her neighbors were never outside so they never noticed me going in and out. I was still cautious not to draw attention.

My cured technique allows me to morph into any animal or human I know. I usually choose the form of a cat due to their agility and cute nature. I pulled out my phone to text Himura before transforming into cat form. I made my way to the house and through the back window that I had propped open.

I heard Himura open the front door as I jumped into the bedroom. She opened the bedroom door just as I transformed back to a human state.

"NOOO kittyyyy" She frowned.

Himura always tried to cuddle with my animal forms, no matter how many time I've scratched and bitten her. I scoffed at her while I pushed her out of the way and made my way to the living room. I could hear her following behind while laughing at herself. God how did I end up stuck with these idiots, I thought to myself, referring to my dumbass friends. Aki's abandoned us for jujutsu college, Miki had to go MIA for a bit after committing some murder or something. So here I am...stuck with this back to the future bitch ass.

Not that I minded though, it was better than being alone. Deep down I really did love all my friends, I thought of them more as family. After Himura made dinner, we sat on the couch and watched a movie while we ate.

My phone lit up with a text from my dad telling me the details of tomorrow's mission since he wouldn't be able to come with. Mahito was always dabbling in things he shouldn't be so I wasn't too surprised he had gotten caught up in something. I sighed as I read the message and set my phone down, not bothering to reply. All I needed to know was to meet Geto at the automotive abandoned building tomorrow at 11am sharp. I set my alarm for 10am, knowing he would throw a fit if I was late.

I drifted off to sleep on the couch while Himura cleaned up and feel asleep in the bedroom. I hoped tomorrow would go by quickly...rupauls drag race is coming out with a new episode and I do not plan to miss that...

Akaime's POV

Megumi and I had been waiting for Nobara to meet us at the training fields with the important goods. I tapped my foot in anticipation, wanting her to hurry the fuck up before anyone noticed us. Megumi looked up behind me as he saw Nobara speed walking our way, I turned in the same direction and ushered her to come quicker.
Inumaki and Panda were instructed to bring Yuji to the field for some "extra training" so we only had a little bit of time before they showed up.

"You got it?" I asked her.

"Of course I do" She said while showing me the goods.

"Do I really have to be involved in this?" Megumi asked from behind me.

"Oh common you know ya wanna" I said smirking back at him.

He rolled his eyes before flashing a smile at us and dipping his hand into the bucket Nobara had brought us. He pulled out his hand to reveal a bright green water balloon in this palm.

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