Sukuna's Vessel

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Warning: This chapter contains blood and violence. If this makes you uncomfortable just know that Sukuna ends up hurting Aki during her and Yujis fight. Megumi and Inumaki step in last second!! Love y'all!!!

Akaime's POV

It was now Friday morning and the day Megumi and I had planned our fight. I'd been preparing for the last couple days and I knew exactly how I'd beat him. The school day went by pretty quickly and before I knew it I was on the training field stretching as I eyed the toned man before me. We had changed out of our uniforms and into more comfortable workout clothes. I had on a pair of yoga shorts and a black top while Megumi wore a pair of grey sweatpants matched with a white top. I could see the veins in his muscles and a slight outline of his abs through his shirt. I blushed a bit when his eyes met mine.

"You ready?" He said in a deep voice

"I've been ready bitch" I said while holding my fists up

He let out a deep chuckle with a mischievous smile before lunging his body towards me. Never mind, wasn't ready! Before I knew it he was throwing punches at me. I was just barley dodging him as I tried to collect my thoughts. Damn he was fast. We spared together for the next hour, neither one of us willing to give up. Eventually I slipped up and he gained the upper hand, throwing me to the ground. I winced in pain at the hard field beneath me hitting my back. That's gonna leave a bruise...

He took the opportunity to pin me down, sitting on top of me while holding my arms above my head. He leaned down close to my face as my heart started to beat faster and faster.

"Give up" He said in a husky voice deep into my ear, almost in a commanding way.

"Never" I said breathlessly.

His grin grew as he got closer and closer to me. My head started racing with thoughts before my body ultimately made a decision for me. I wasn't gonna lose. I buckled my hips while throwing my arms up with all the strength I had left. It must've took him by surprise or else I wouldn't have been able to flip him over.

I straddled his hips and replaced our poisons so that I was now pinning him down. Shock was in his eyes as he looked back at me before taking the opportunity to look me up and down. I felt something poking the inside of my thigh. Was he hard?!? I turned red at the thought but before anything else could happen a familiar voice shouted out from behind up.

"Oi kiddos! Woahhhh am I....interrupting something?" Gojo said while strolling up to us and seeing our sus position.

I jumped off of Megumi as quickly as I could and fixed my shorts that had ridden up a bit. Megumi grunted as I got up and awkwardly sat up while shooting a death glare at Gojo. Fucking cock blocker.

"No no no we were just training" I said.

"Ah yes... training...anyways dinner is ready soooo let's goooo" He said before turning around and walking off.

Megumi and I exchanged glanced before I let out a laugh, realizing I had just won.

"I win" I said to Megumi.

"Only cuz that idiot interrupted" He said back.

"Welll I still count it as a win" I laughed.

"Fine, whatever" He said while a slight smile grew on his lips.

Time Skip

Yuji's POV

It was Saturday afternoon and I had just finished up lunch with Inumaki and Megumi. As I headed back to my dorm I pulled my phone out to text Aki that I would meet her at the training fields. I mostly needed to work on my stamina and kicks. I really wanted to spare with Aki since she was super cute but also really strong, I wanted to see if I could beat her. Though she was wearing Fushiguros hoodie, if they're a thing I don't wanna ruin anything.

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