ARC TWO: Geto's Prison

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                            Akaime's POV

I awoke to a high pitch ringing coming from my ears. I lifted my head only to feel an excruciating headache cast over me. Slowly, I tired to blink my eyes open. I looked around me to see I was in a dusty room. My body tried to move to get up but something wouldn't let me.

My arms had been tied behind me while my legs were latched to the chair beneath me. I struggled to get loose, only to realize that wasn't possible. I panicked as I heard a heavy set of footsteps walk towards me.

"You're awake" A dark voice spoke.

I looked up to see the man who had knocked me out standing in front of me. He brought his head down to mine as his hands made there way across my skin. His fingers running along my neck and collarbone.

"Looks like someone's been used recently" He chucked.

I scoffed at the way he had phrased it, he was referring to the bites and bruises Megumi had left on me the night prior...

The memories of how I had ended up in this situation flooded back to me. I had no idea where Nobara and Inumaki were, or if they were safe. All I knew was that I was at the unfortunate mercy to the man before me. I sighed at the fact I had to ask so many helpless questions now. Why am I here? Where is here? Who are you? What do you want from me? All the basic things I should probably know.

This wasn't my first time getting kidnapped after all. Being a young girl with no home to go to when your young can get you in some sticky situations. Thankfully I've managed to evade death all of those times.

"You got a funny looking scar there Mr. Voodoo man" I said to him.

"Voodoo man?" He replied, his hand still grasping my cheeks.

"I don't know your name" I said back to him.

The man scoffed before removing his hand from my face and leaning against the wall behind him.

"Geto" He spoke.

"Well Geto would you be so kind as to untie me? I kinda got places I need to be" I said while tugging at the restraints.

He let out a laugh before pushing himself off the wall with his foot and walked to where I was. He took his foot and stomped it down on the chair between where my legs were tied. The man bent down before reaching my ear.

"Oh you won't be going anywhere, that is until Gojo comes to save you..." He whispered.

My eyes winded in realization that I was being held hostage in order to trick Gojo. He wouldn't fall for that though...right? I mean if he knew it was a trap he wouldn't come to save me...that would just be stupid.

"Geto...Suguru Geto?" I asked.

"So you know me?" He responded with a bit of shock.

"Yeah...Shoko mentioned you before..." I said trailing off.

My mind went into a flash back of the day I had gotten my arm seriously injured. Maki had brought me in to see Shoko and treat my wounds. It took almost four hours for her to stitch up all my open wounds and sores. In that time I had asked her what it was like when she was in college here. The conversation was casual at first but after the second hour I had come to learn about a student who had committed mass murder and betrayed the sorcerer society... a student by the name of Suguru Geto.

"I bet she had lots to say huh" He said, snapping me back to reality.

I looked down in order to avoid eye contact with him. I just wanted to go take a nap...why did this have to happen? The man reached down to my neck and in an instant snapped off my necklace. It felt as if a hundred ponds of weight had been lifted off me. The air was sucked out of my lunges for a second causing me to gag and cough. Blood spilled from my mouth due to all the pressure being taken out of me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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