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                             Megumi's POV

I tried to ignore Gojo the best I could but he kept rambling on and on about some mission he was sending Yuji on. I didn't care to listen until he mentioned something that peaked my interest.

"And once they return we'll be getting a new student!" Gojo said while clapping his hands together.

"New student?" I responded.

It was strange to have any new students due to the fact not many people know jujutsu sorcery.

"Yup! She's a transfer from Kyoto!" He stated back.

I looked up at him with a blank expression before setting the book I was reading down onto the table next to me.

"Who?" I asked him with a stern look.

"It's your best buddy Akaime Shizoku!" Gojo said.

I was taken back a moment... I remember her from when we were around 14. Gojo had brought her home after finding her on a mission. He never went into details about it, only that she needed a place to stay for a while so we were taking her in. She never spoke much and she seemed to be scared of everything... I wonder what she's like now...

"Oh yeah... I think I remember her" I said trying to be nonchalant about it.

"Great! Cuz you'll be showing her around!" He said.

"Wait what!" I said, not remembering when I agreed to this.

"She knows you Megumi, she'll be more comfortable with you!" He said.

I'm not sure if he was brain dead or just stupid but Shizoku never seemed to be comfortable around me. I always tried to make her feel safe but she seemed to want to keep her distance. Though I do remember that whenever there was a bad storm, she would sneak into my room and sleep on my floor. I could hear her faint cries and I wanted to help but once I woke up she would run out of my room in embarrassment.

"Whatever" I said back to Gojo.

                           Akaime's POV

The train had stopped and I made my way off into the crowed with my bags. I texted Gojo to tell him I had arrived. After the blackout of my village I had also been abducted by some bad people. While on a mission, Gojo saw me and decided to take me under his wing for a while. He taught me some different techniques and ways to control my cursed eyes. He said they worked exactly like his, only mine I had to summon. After a minute of walking through the crowds of people I saw a familiar tall white haired man.

"Akaime!!" Gojo said while holding his arms out for a hug.

"Hey Gojo...thanks for talking to the principals for me" I said while hugging him back.

Gojo had heard about my incident at Kyoto and immediately requested for me to be transferred to Jujutsu college. Mainly so he could keep an eye on me and help me more with controlling my abilities. He also knew how much principle Gakuganji hated me and he wanted to spare me from any hate crimes..

We walked to his car as he opened the door for me and put my bags into the back. We drove for a little over an hour to Jujutsu College. I had put my earbuds in for the drive, not wanting to listen to all of Gojos rants. Once we got there I was greeted by principal Yaga. He seemed a bit intimidating but much better than Kyotos old ass principal. Gojo showed me to my dorm which was right next to a girl named Nobaras room. I thanked him for all his help and locked myself into my new room.

I let out a long sigh and set my things down to start unpacking. After a couple minutes my phone started buzzing next to me. I picked it up to see the name "knock off dr strange" I still laughed a bit at the name I had chose for her and answered the phone.

"Hey Himura" I said through the phone

"Hey how's the new college?" She asked

"Good, I just got here. It took a while so I'm a bit tired" I said, it was only 5pm but I had been traveling the whole day.

"Sooo I heard about everything with Kamo, honestly I'm surprised you didn't-" she was cut off by a loud banging at my door causing me to immediately hang up the phone.

I got up from the floor and opened the door to see a familiar dark haired boy standing before me.

"Uh hey..." Fushiguro said while taking a quick up and down glance at me.

"Oh hi, it's been a while" I said to him

I remember him from when Gojo took me in, he was always quiet but friendly. I never spoke much to him though, I was too scared to speak back then. After high school was when I had gained more confidence.

"Yeah, uh...Gojo told me to show you around so uh here's my number if you need anything" He said while reaching his hand out with a sticky note.

I thanked him as I took the stick note from his hands, noticing how long and toned his fingers were. He seemed to have a bit of bruising on his knuckles, probably from fighting. I tired not to look too long at his hands, I didn't want to seem like a creep.

"Do you need help unpacking?" He said softly.

"Oh uh I think I'm okay, I don't have much" I said smiling back at him.

He averted his gaze from mine and I could've sworn I saw a slight blush form on his cheeks. Maybe I was imagining things's been a long day.

"Okay well text me whenever your ready to come meet everyone and I'll show you around too" He said while looking at the ground.

I nodded as he walked away and I closed the door. He's a lot taller than I remember...

Memory ~ Megumi x OC Where stories live. Discover now