Nail Polish (NSFW)

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Warning: This chapter contains NSFW, swearing, and blood. If these things make you uncomfortable just know that Megumi cleans Aki's wounds and takes care of her while she paints his nails!!!! See y'all in the next chapter!!

                                Yuji's POV

I had heard all about it from Megumi...I couldn't stand the fact I had almost killed my friend. She trusted me enough to spare with her too...

My guilt grew stronger the longer I sat alone with my thoughts. Gojo and Megumi had went to check on Aki but they said it would be best if I stayed back. I kept rewriting paragraphs in my notes app of the apologies I would cry out to Akaime. I wish I could've stopped him.

I cursed out Sukuna in my mind only for him to give me a headache in return. Stupid demon curse. I just hoped Aki would be okay...

                               Akaime's POV

I woke up in a hospital bed with loud beeping all around me. I sat up, trying to recall why I was there...

"Oh shit" I said while remembering all that had happened with Yuji and Sukuna.

I turned to my side to see a wide eyed Gojo staring back at me, I jumped at seeing him next to me.

"YOURE OKAY!" He said breaking his stare.

He threw out his arms and pulled me into a hug, being cautious to hurt me in the process. I gave him a pat on the back and assured him that I was in fact okay. I might've almost died but like...that's happened biggie.

Before I could speak, the door across from me slammed open to show a teary eyed Yuji. He burst in crying while profusely apologizing. I could tell he's been beating himself up over it.

"It okay Yuji, I'm alright" I said while giving him a big smile.

It wasn't his fault his inner demon tried to murder me...Inumaki and Nobara followed in after Yuji. Nobara gave me a hug with a kiss on the forehead while Inumaki set some flowers down on the table next to me. I thanked Inumaki for helping me and he responded with a warm smile.

"Where's Megumi?" I asked

Nobara gave a side eye to Gojo while he laughed a bit. They knew something was up between us now... I didn't care though I needed to thank him.

"I had him go get you some food, thought you'd be hungry when you woke up" Gojo said.

He gave me a pat on the back before assuring me Megumi would be there soon. I thanked all of them before they left, leaving me to my thoughts. I reached my hand up to touch my neck, trying to get a feel for the damage. I winced in pain, feeling the bruises and deep cuts that were left all over my body. Before I could cry again though, the door opened once more.

Megumi entered while holding a bag of food, when he saw that I was awake he almost dropped the bag. He set it down quickly and came over to sit on the edge of the bed. He took my hand into his as he looked into my eyes. He looked me up and down, seeing the damage Sukuna had caused. I could tell it made him upset by the sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry..." I said trying not to look him directly in the eyes.

He took his other hand and gently tiled my chin up to look at him.

"Don't apologize's not your fault" He said.

His words were soft as he spoke. The warmth of his hands calmed me down and made my body ache a bit less. My hand covered his hand that was now coursing my cheek and looked into his eyes.

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