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                               Akaime's POV

I awoke to a knocking at the door, I woke up a bit to try and speak to whoever was distributing my sleep.

"Wh-" I was cut off by a large hand covering my mouth.

I shuffled in the bed and tried to fight whoever was behind me until my memory flooded back to me and I realized who's room I was in. Megumi had put his hand over my mouth to prevent me from giving away my position to whoever was outside his door.

"What?" Megumi said in a sleepy deep raspy voice.

"It's Yuji, do you know where Aki is? Maki and Nobara said they we're supposed to study together this morning." He asked through the door.

"She's probably just sleeping I'll go knock on her door and get her" He said back.

Yuji thanked him as I heard his loud footsteps echo away through the halls. Megumi bent his head down to my neck and let his hand off my mouth.

"You're needed elsewhere" He said in a low grumble.

His deep voice that sent shivers down my spine along with his body pressed against the back of mine made me flustered beyond belief. I nodded and quickly jumped out of Megumis arms and headed for the door, earning a grunt from Megumi at the loss of my body heat.

I ran out of his room and into mine, quickly grabbing my phone and a hat from off my nightstand before heading out the door with my bag in hand.

"Shit" I said to myself as I saw the 5 missed called from Nobara and a bunch of texts from Maki.

I picked up my pace and ran to the library where we said we would meet. I ran up to the table they were sitting at and sat down, catching my breath in the process. I expected to be scolded for being late but instead I was met with blank stares from both of them.

"What?" I asked.

Nobara let out a laugh and nudged Maki's side while looking back to me.

"Well now we know where you were" Nobara said laughing.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked feeling more anxious.

Maki smiled at me as she laughed with Nobara.

"That's Fushiguro's hoodie" She stated.

My eyes grew wide at the realization I hadn't changed out of the hoodie he gave me. I looked back at the girls laughing at me and tried to play it off.

"N- no.. it's not..." I said.

"Aki...his..n-name..is..on the back" Nobara said through laughs.

My shock grew as I slapped my own back to grab the hoodie. Looking over my shoulder I saw the big white letters spelling out FUSHIGURO on the back of it. I sighed in defeat.

"It's not what it looks like I-" I started to speak before being cut off by Makis hand in the air.

"It's okay it's okay we won't ask..." She said while eyeing Nobara.

I knew I would definitely have to explain myself later... for now I tried to avert the conversation back to studying. I pulled out my books and the laughter finally settled from them. I had successfully dodged that bullet...

"Hey gals! Woah why is Aki wearing Megumi's hoodie?" Gojo said while coming out of nowhere and laying a hand on my shoulder.

I thought it was over but nope...Nobara and Maki burst out laughing as Gojo gave me a side eye. I couldn't handle this anymore. I packed my things up and left as I heard all three of them hysterically laughing behind me. I rolled my eyes but let out a slight laugh along with them.

As I turned the corner I bumped into Yuji who was coming back from his mission with Panda.

"Woah sorry didn't see ya there" I said.

"It's okay Aki" He said with a smile before looking me up and down "Hey is that-" before he could speak any further I cut him off.

"Ah- yes this is Megumi's and no I'm not explaining why I have it" I said before anymore questions could be asked.

"Haha okay well anyways I was wondering if you would wanna train together this weekend? You're super strong and I've been wanting some help working on my techniques sooo..." He said.

He put his hand to the back of his head and averted his eyes to the ground. Was he...trying to flirt with me? I laughed to myself at the thought. Sure he was a nice guy but he wasn't my type. Although I do need help with training of my own so I guess I'll take him up on the opportunity.

"Sure! Wanna meet on Saturday after lunch?" I asked.

He gave me a smile and nodded his head. We parted ways and I walked back to the dorms to give Megumi his hoodie back.

"No" He simply said.

I had gotten to his door and was trying to hand him back the hoodie but he refused.

"It looks good on you, keep it" He said.

"It has your last name on it!" I said back to him.

He looked down and met my eyes, an evil smile appearing on his lips.

"Remember that bet we made?" He said while lowering his head to meet mine.

"What'd you mean?" I said stumbling back a bit from his sudden closeness.

His head lowered further down as he leaned forward closing the gap between us. My body tensed up as the smell of his cologne hit my nose.

"How about instead of singing at karoke...we spare and If I win, you have to keep the hoodie and if you win..." He said while looking at me for an answer.

"If I win I get to paint your nails!" I said.

The thought of him with black nails had always turned me on...might as well see what he looks like with them. It also may have been an excuse to hold his soft hands. He looked at me with en eyebrow raised until finally agreeing. I put out my hand for a handshake as he did the same, sealing our deal.

"I'm fighting with Yuji Saturday so when shall our fight take place?" I said.

He shot a hard glance in my direction after hearing Yujis name. His tone of voice changing a bit.

"You didn't make any bets with him...did you?" He asked, looking a bit jealous.

"Nope, he just wants to work on some new techniques" I said reassuring the worried man.

I could see his look soften at my words. Was he actually jealous?!? I thought him and Yuji were besties?!? My thoughts were cut short when Megumi spoke once again.

"Good. How about Friday? After school?" He asked.

"Sure! It's a date!" I said while I walked away.

"I MEAN NOT A DATE DATE but like we've set the date and you know-" I started to ramble after realizing what I had just said.

He let out a laugh before heading back into his room but before he closed the door I heard him say one last thing...

"See you on our date" He said while laughing to himself.

I mentally punched myself in the face before heading back into my room.

Memory ~ Megumi x OC Where stories live. Discover now