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                              Akaime's POV

It had been a couple weeks since arriving at Jujutsu College. My studies went smoothly since I was lucky enough to have a good memory. I had formed a study group with Nobara, Inumaki, and Megumi. We would all meet in the library after school on Wednesdays and study together. It was a peaceful moment that I looked forward to every week. We never spoke much during our study sessions but it was nice to feel their company around me.

Nobara and I had formed a sister like bond and would share things like makeup, clothes, accessories, etc. She was right next door to my dorm so it just made sense that we got so close. Megumi and I on the other hand haven't spoken much since my first day. I've caught him staring at me a couple times and wish I could steal his memories...but that would mean having to get close to him...and I would have to touch his head...his soft hair...

Whenever I thought of him my mind would wonder off deeper into these thoughts until I had to shake my head out of my delusional state of mind.

Today was a Wednesday which meant I was headed to the library after school. I looked down at my phone to see our last class was about to be over. We had been reading for the past hour about Fibonacci sequences. I hate having math last period...

The bell rang as Nanami said goodbye to each student as we walked out the door. I packed up my things and followed everyone out until I was stopped by our overworked teacher.

"Akaime, this is for you" He said while holding out an envelope

"Oh thank you" I said as I took it from him and headed out the door

It was addressed from Kyoto heart dropped a little as I read who it was from. Kamo Noritoshi. My former friend who I had almost murdered was now sending letters to my college... he has my number ya know.

I tucked the envelope into my bag and put a mental note in my head to read it later. For now I wanted to enjoy the peace of the library study session.

Making my way to the library I met up with Panda who asked if she could join in this week. I happily accepted as we walked to the library together. The table we usually sat at was a table for six. I would usually sit next to Nobara while across from us Inumaki would sit next to Megumi. That meant Megumi was in front of me and I could glance at his hands ever so often.

They turned me on for some reason, his long fingers, veiny hands. They looked rough but delicate and I found myself daydreaming about what they could do...

Since Panda was here though, he took a seat next to Inumaki. Nobara had texted the group chat saying she was being sent on a mission with Maki which means... I have to sit next to Megumi.

My face went red at the thought of being close to him. I pulled out the chair and sat down next to the tall dark haired man. He shot a glance and a slight smile at me as I sat down, sending my blush into a deeper shade of red.

After a while of studying Panda was having some trouble with our English homework so Inumaki tried to help him the best he could. Meanwhile, I was working on my history paper when I felt something kick my shoe from under the table.

I jumped a bit and looked up to see Megumi looking back at me. He glanced at Panda and Inumaki before sliding a piece of paper towards me. His toned fingers and chiseled hands secretly taunting me from afar.

I looked at the paper then back up at him, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"What is this? Middle school note passing?" I whispered jokingly

He let out a slight laugh "Just take it" He said

I took the piece of paper from his hands and unfolded it. I read the note...

Memory ~ Megumi x OC Where stories live. Discover now