First Impressions

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Megumi's POV

I made my way back into my dorm room and shut the door. Damn...she's hot. I mean she was always beautiful but now she's all grown up...and damn...she was hot. I shook my head, never being one to think about these things. I didn't want to be disrespectful to her...even if they were just my thoughts. Her grey hair was pulled into a messy bun but I could still tell how much it had grown out.

I sat at my desk and tried to pull out my books to distract myself from Akaime but my mind kept thinking about her no matter what I tired to do. My phone buzzed and my heart stopped for a second until I saw the name displayed on the screen.

Text Message From : Itadori
Dude there's a new girl! Why didn't you tell us?!

I read the text and rolled my eyes, I didn't know I was obligated to tell him. I texted him back telling him she should blame Gojo and not me. As soon as I hit send, another text popped up on my screen.

Text Message From : Unknown
Hey it's Aki, I'm all done packing. Where should I meet you?

My heart started to beat faster as I opened the message. I went to my contacts to put her name into my phone, even though we had lived together for a bit we never ended up exchanging numbers.

I'll come to your dorm

I sent back as I headed out of my room down the hall. I knocked at her door and heard shuffling in her room before her door opened. She has put a hoodie on and let her hair down. Somehow she looked even better than before. I looked down at the ground, trying to hide my blush from her. We walked down the hall as I lead her to the common room.

                              Akaime's POV

I followed Fushiguro down the hall and into a big room with a bunch of different people in it. A big panda caught my attention though, I had heard stories about cursed creatures but's kinda freaky. Fushiguro introduced me to the second years Maki, Panda, and Inumaki. I said hi to them all and tried my best to remember their names. Maki and Panda said hi to me and told me that, due to Inumaki being a cursed speech user he didn't talk much. Only in rice ball ingredients.

I smiled and nodded to them as Fushiguro moved on to introducing a pink haired boy named Yuji and a ginger haired girl named Nobara. They were the first years along with Fushiguro and I. Nobara greeted me with a big hug, followed by Yuji. We all talked for a while about my powers as I tried not to share too much. I didn't want to scare them away...

Though my cursed energy was high they weren't able to notice due to a necklace Gojo had given me all those years ago. It helps to balance my cursed energy so I don't become a target. I found myself taking a liking to Inumaki and Nobara. They were so different but definitely relatable.

"So could you like read minds?" Maki asked after I finished trying to explain my powers.

"Not exactly...I could see your memories if I really wanted to but not what your thinking about in the moment. Plus I don't tend to do that without permission unless necessary." I said, not one to be invasive.

"Salmon!" Inumaki said

"Yeah that is pretty cool" Panda chipped in

It was around the time to start preparing dinner so Inumaki and Panda went off to the kitchen with Maki following to make sure they didn't burn the building down. I was introduced to another teacher named Nanami as he came in to drop off some more food for us. He seemed tired but very sweet. As we ate dinner I told them a bit about myself and got to know more about them in return. Though there was one person who didn't say much. It was Fushiguro. Ever so often I could catch him staring at me which made me blush a bit. I wondered what he could he thinking...I hadn't seen him in a while but I guess we were never that close to begin with.

I wanted to talk to him more but was too shy to say anything to him directly. After dinner everyone started to say goodnight and head to their dorms to either finish up homework or watch tv. Fushiguro said he would clean up so I offered to help, thinking maybe this would be a chance to talk to him.

We were silent as I handed him all the dirty plates while he started to wash them off in the sink. I wanted to initiate conversation but I didn't know how...

" still beat people up?" I say with a slight laugh

He turned his head slightly in my direction and started into my eyes. His dark eyes and deep expression made my heart skip a beat. I didn't know why I kept getting this feeling around him but I decided to ignore it.

"Only if they need it" He said with a blank expression

I laughed a bit at his response and started helping washing off the dishes. I had to stand close to him in order to reach the water. I could smell his cologne as feel his body heat next to me. I didn't know what else to say and was contemplating giving up on the whole conversation.

"You still sing?" He asked while nudging my side.

Making me jump a bit a the sudden moment. I used to sing to myself whenever I felt panicked and I guess he had heard me through the walls. My face got red in embarrassment, I never intended for anyone to hear.

"Yeah..." I said softly "Hey Fushiguro-" I had started to ask a question before he cut me off

"You can call me Megumi" He said while turning to look at me

"Oh right! Sorry...uh you remember that one Halloween you dressed up as a maid kitty?" I said bringing up his most embarrassing moment.

I laughed as he shot a death glare at me. One year Gojo and him made a bet that he lost and Gojo ended up making him wear a cat maid costume for Halloween as punishment. My laughter grew harder as the thought crossed my mind.

He wasn't laughing though, instead his eyes glared at me as he stepped forward. Closing the gap between us. I stopped laughing at the shock of him being so close. He started to lean in close and my heart started beating faster the closer he got. Was he going to kiss me? What's happening? My thoughts were running wild until he bent down right beside my ear.

"Bring that up to anyone and you'll be the one in that costume this year" He said in a low raspy voice that sent shivers down my spine.

He smiled and let out a slight laugh as he backed away and went back to the dishes. I stood there shocked at how close he was and how he was making me feel... I decided to play along for now though.

"Maybe I will" I said, throwing a wink in his direction.

It seemed to fluster him because he stiffened up before letting out a slight cough to cover up his shock...or excitement. We finished up the dishes and said our good nights before I headed off to my dorm.

I opened the door to my mostly empty room and threw on some shorts and an oversized shirt. I crawled into bed and got comfortable before pulling out my phone. I texted Himura, Tsuki and Miki all goodnight before dozing off to sleep.

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