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                               Himura's POV

My phone dinged late at night with a text from Aki saying goodnight in our group chat. I let out a yawn and stretched my arms out as I looked up from my iPad for the first time in a couple hours. I had been studying for an upcoming quiz and I was not about to fail this shit. I could hear Miwa moving around in the halls as she checked up on everyone for the night. After she knocked on my door and handed me a homemade cookie I pulled on my pajamas and got into bed.

All I could think about is what Kamo told me. Apparently he was fucking around with Aki too much and she snapped on him. She's not one to show any type of real emotions...not that I've seen at least. She's always chilled out and I can never tell what she's thinking. Aki never likes to use her powers let alone fight too much. She says it's "too much work"

I can't say that life has been easy for any of us and if I could go back in time far enough to prevent everything I would...but I know I can't do that. I'd just end up fucking everything up. Tsuki and Aki got the worst end of the stick though. Being kidnapped and forced to do unthinkable things makes a person different. I've heard all the stories, I've been there for all the breakdowns and bad nights. Yet I still can't seem to understand how Aki feels about everything. She always says she's fine and she doesn't care about the past but I feel like she's just saying that.

Tsuki is different, she's crazy so anything she says and does I take with a grain of salt. Some days I wish we could all just live together again as a happy family. Though through our mistakes and paths we've taken in life...I doubt that'll ever happen.

                              Akaime's POV

My alarm clock went off at 7am as I forced my eyes to open. I had a rough night with being in such an unfamiliar place and all so I was tossing and turning all night. I dragged myself out of bed, a bit bummed out there were no knocks on my window from any wanted criminals, aka Tsuki. After doing my morning routine and throwing my hair back into a ponytail I slipped on my uniform Gojo had ordered for me and headed out the door.

As I walked out of my dorm I bumped into Maki and Nobara heading to class as well. They told me about how school usually went and the different classes there would be. I had gotten an email from Nanami about all this but it was nice to get an inside perspective of things. Our first class was homeroom and history with Gojo. As I walked into the class I was greeted by the pink haired boy I met yesterday.

"Hey Shizoku! Ready for your first day with us?" Yuji said while throwing his arm around me.

"Ha yeah...I guess and you can call me Aki" and I said not used to people being this friendly.

The Kyoto students were a tough crowd and I never seemed to get along with anyone except for Makamaru and Kamo...until I almost killed Kamo that is. I was greeted by the others as they walked in and joined the class. The last to be was Fushiguro or Megumi I should say...

My stomach clenched up as I saw him, he was really hot in his uniform... I shook my thoughts away as Gojo entered the classroom. He told us we could work on extra schoolwork for the next hour or start on our English papers. He handed me an outline of the curriculum due to me just joining.

                                 Time Skip

At lunch I sat with Maki and Nobara as we gossiped about all the drama at Kyoto. I didn't mention anything about my incident with Kamo though... I didn't want to have them think bad about me this early on. I kept glancing towards Megumi until he eventually caught my stare and looked back at me. I could've sworn I saw a slight smile.

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