Chris -
there are times where I wake up and I tell myself nicely your alarm has gone off. Please get to work, but then I realize I just couldn't get to work because I just hit a time not to cry about these things these days but it's hard when you're appreciative of literally waking up no words how it feels yell that when you wake up in the morning, you're with your Sony, no words no work and I just die that well Where does everything for me? She is absolutely everything to me .
She probably been there for me even when she's had every right to leave. I've never done anything OK to leave but I always keep it up from I told her do you wanna leave me go for it, but she sick beside me during my crazy schedule she took on a new journey for me she tried to, she she trying to do lots of new things for Me
She stayed through everything health scares even emergency surgery and she should have left me
for crying out loud. She's done so much for me and you know I am just so so happyI am so happy that I was able to and I was able to get the spine life with my person I will never be able to put into a full sentence on how much I love Liz because she means she means everything to me she means, she means a lot to me because she is in a taking so much of her time out to be with me and she didn't have to do that. She's
had to give up her time to be with me. She could've easily left for Active at the gate to see ya, but she did it and I remember when I met her even though she's got coffee on me I wasn't crying I was crying because I just put it back on how lucky I was like how do you say thank you to people who play she was your soulmate think God every day for a great girl always helps other people even though they don't deserve for help and it just makes make a movie so yeah I get emotional she's beautiful and just I don't know how to thank God anymore for the gift that he has given me a list of patient Liz
on her day off when she should be in bed sleeping that is beyond me like I have never met someone who is just a Break away ready for all the challenges so it makes me so happy to have her sometimes I can't help but burst out crying. She's so beautiful watching her sleep makes me burst into hysterical crying you can laugh but it's true so beautiful and perfect I've never seen anything like this before so thank you for having me I kissed her gently and placed a order for breakfast in bed .