5. Candles

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Maddie -

some people would be lighting candles and telling

is right about now but that is not the case these days. I don't think we need to light a candle  for good luck. I feel like you can be a decent person. You can be a decent person by not I'm not lying about other people like how hard is it not to lie about people apparently it's too hard to do those things nowadays so people think that it's OK to lie and it's OK to tell stories well it's not OK to lie it's never been OK the life unfortunately there is some people out there that think that's like the hot girl shit to do my bully and put each other down I want I want went on a rampage but I wasn't really happy because I didn't wanna be friends with any girls or boys because they lied to much there was a point where I was just done with human beings I had never been more disgusted really, I felt sick to my stomach that people were lying to me and I felt betrayed and I felt hurt and I felt sad .

I was scared and alone. I didn't think anybody would be coming to help me. I didn't think that anybody would come to you. Eventually I found my person  my rescue day. Finally came I didn't have to cry. I didn't have to whine that person saved me because they wanted to. They didn't save me for the five minutes of saying they were probably going to get they say to me because they loved me and when it was best for me, so it's me that's the most important thing is that he came and he stayed with me for who I was and they didn't matter about my disabilities and it wasn't a pity party. It was because the Scott truly loved me and I think that's the greatest gift of all that you could ever give. Somebody is unconditional, love, commitment, and hey, I'm not going anywhere and you're a really great person .

I like you for you mean that's all I really ever wanted to hear but I started to feel like I wasn't gonna get those things and yeah it was. It was really really hard thinking that I would never get over things really hard I even lost confidence because of it but by pulling each other up instead of pushing each other down, you can really go far in life but lots of people don't realize that and that's the saddest part to me is maybe people are putting each other down because they're not love. Well how hard is it to say that I love you or I care about you but then again, people abuse love daily so I can see why everybody acts out but it's not always necessary.

I just think that we should all be civil with one another and another thing. I really don't like it. When someone tells you like you have to be my friend you don't have to be anybody's friend you need to be around people that like you for you and I'm going to use you and take it down and it's taking me a very long time to realize that, but since I realize that I come a long way, and I'm a lot happier.

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