𓀰⁷. bridging two worlds

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that night, jungkook sneaked to the tomb again.

Jungkook's heart raced as he examined the drawings in front of him.

The intricate details depicted the gruesome execution scene, with two men kneeling before a stern-looking pharaoh. The name Imhotep echoed in his mind, triggering a sense of familiarity.

His curiosity intensified, and he couldn't help but wonder about the connection between this ancient Egyptian ruler and the mysterious sarcophagus rested in the corner.

Jungkook's mind raced with questions as he tried to piece together the puzzle.

Could this drawing hold the key to unraveling the secrets of the sarcophagus? Was there a deeper meaning behind it? And most importantly, who was buried in that coffin?

Determined to find answers, Jungkook continued his exploration.

He carefully examined every nook and cranny, searching for any clues that could shed light on the person's history.

As he ventured deeper into the burial chamber, he noticed hieroglyphics adorning the walls.

With growing excitement, Jungkook deciphered some of the symbols. They spoke of an ancient curse that befell those who disturbed Imhotep's resting place.

Goosebumps prickled his skin as he realized that his actions might have awakened something sinister.

Undeterred by fear, Jungkook pressed on, driven by an insatiable thirst and greed for knowledge. pure curiosity.

He knew that uncovering the truth would come at a price, but he couldn't resist the allure of solving this ancient mystery.

it's now or never.

As he delved further into his investigation, Jungkook stumbled upon another discovery-a hidden compartment within one of the walls. His heart pounded with anticipation as he cautiously opened it.

Inside lay a collection of ancient scrolls and artifacts. Each item seemed to hold its own story waiting to be told.

the book of the dead.

and since imhotep's belongings were all in museums. he was positive, these scrolls belonged to the mysterious deceased.

With trembling hands, Jungkook picked up one scroll and began deciphering its contents.

The words revealed a tale of betrayal and revenge-a dark chapter from Imhotep's reign.

It spoke of a conspiracy that led to the execution of two men who had dared to challenge the pharaoh's authority.

The drawing he had found earlier was a depiction of their final moments. however, no names were mentioned. the scroll would refer to the deceased as 'this soul' and nothing much. it could be anyone.

Jungkook's mind raced as he connected the dots. The sarcophagus he had stumbled upon was not just a burial box; it was a testament to a forgotten era of power struggles and treachery. And somehow, he had become entangled in its web.

In the quietude, he traced the hieroglyphs, each symbol a puzzle piece in the story of Tyung.

"Tyung," Jungkook murmured to himself, the name resonating in the night. "Who are you? A pharaoh, a noble, or perhaps a revered sage?"

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