I had recently moved out from my parents' home, I had graduated Hogwarts planning on studying magical zoology. To say my mum was taking my leaving a little hard was an understatement.
The first week of being in my own home, you would think I finally had some time to myself while my parents adjusted to my absence, thinking they should be used to me gone since I attended Hogwarts.
Hahahahah— no.
They took it the wrong way and honestly, I was getting extremely annoyed. Several scenarios played in my head where I would just secretly move out and go live somewhere entirely different, but even if I attempted that, I would only have a few boxes packed until my mum made her first out of ten daily visits.
She was here again, making sure I had more than enough to eat, a warm blanket and six warm water bottles, incase I lost five of them.
"Mum, I can cook, you know." I sighed exasperatedly when she attempted to make spaghetti, "And I am definitely capable of making spaghetti."
After an incessant argument I succeeded in kicking her out, telling her to go home and rest.
A few hours of peace and unboxing more of my stuff and the doorbell rang again. I thought of maybe just ignoring it but it rang again... and again.
I jogged towards the door, words already halfway out of my mouth when I closed it again, "Mum, how many times again, I'm old enough to— oh, Reggie."
"Y/n, hi." He smiled tentatively, stepping forward to give me a hug.
"I—what are you doing... here?" I stumbled over my words, leading him to the kitchen, offering him some water, which he accepted with a polite smile.
"I came to congratulate you on moving out, but it uhh sounds like your mother isn't quite convinced of it yet."
I sighed defeatedly, rubbing my hand up and down my temple. "Yeah, she... she is successfully ignoring that I am old enough to live by myself now."
"She's stubborn—,"
"Exactly my point!"
"— just like you.""Me? Stubborn? Pshhh, no... no! I'm not... no."
"Point proven, I would say."
I gave him a playful slap, my hand resting on his arm a little too long. Coughing I removed my hand, a crimson blush creeping into my cheeks. He smiled at my embarrassed state, reaching out to brush back the hair that had fallen into my face, revealing my tomato-like state to him.
"Reggie—," I began, quickly shutting my mouth when he pulled me flush against his warm body. "I—I..."
He just smirked, leaning down to brush his lips over mine. "Relax," He breathed, "It's only me."
"Yes, but that... you—,"
He chuckled, squeezing my waist reassuringly before connecting his lips to mine in a soft kiss. I smiled against his lips, slowly moving to the pace he set, my hands starting to roam his biceps and back, finally tangling in his admittedly overgrown locks, that kept hanging in his face.
"Y/n, I went to the store and bought you two types of— Oh, my lord!" The front door opened and my mum walked in holding two types of pesto in her hands and yet another pack of spaghetti.
Heyy, sorry for not updating in so long, I had no idea what to write.
Thank you @SedTit for requesting Regulus Black, you were honestly so sweet!!
I do not know when I'll update next, but please keep requesting!! Hope you liked this one even though it didn't really give me Reggie Vibes!!
Stay safe <33
~ j.

Fanfictionas the title suggests, these are a collection of imagines/ one shots featuring harry potter characters. i strongly support reader request and will update these alongside my normal stories. :: no regular updating schedule :: mild language use :: occ...