Winter Morning | Neville Longbottom

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thank you @Pjo_fan126 for requesting this💗💗

Early morning light bled into the common room through the half open curtains, a cool December breeze causing goosebumps to erupt on my arms. Unfolding myself from Neville's grip I pad towards the huge open window, throwing my shoulder against it and pulling the handle. Shivering a little, I return, nestling back in our fort of cozy, knitted blankets, piled on top of each other.

I sigh contentedly as I huddle closer into his warm embrace, nuzzling in his neck and breathing in his scent, preparing to press my cold feet against his calves. I try to hide my guilty smirk as he kisses my jaw lazily, feeling bad for suddenly sneaking my freezing feet up against his legs. He groans in protest, groggy morning voice cursing me quietly as he manoeuvres me in his lap, wrapping my legs in a particularly warm blanket.

Giggling, I sling my arms around his neck and kiss him, murmuring apologies against his lips, jaw and neck. His hands squeeze my waist, a deep pink blush forming on his cheeks. "Slow down, honey." He mumbles, still blushing down his neck and under the neckline of his striped pyjamas. I laugh again, winking at him before snuggling back into his chest, nudging his hand to pick up the recently discarded book. He chuckles, reaching for it and picks up from where he left off, deep morning voice vibrating against my side.

it's half past 12 rn and i am ex-hau-sted (read that with exaggerated emphasis on every syllable), but i felt like writing so here it is. i hope you enjoyed this little midnight excursion to hogwarts.
sleep tight and, if you're in the same time zone as me and still awake, please go to bed now💋

stay safe loves<3

~ j.

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