Silk Sheets | Lorenzo Berkshire

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My eyes fluttered in the dimly lit room, attempting to accommodate to the bright rays of sunlight shining through hastily pulled curtains. I shifted, freezing when a pair of arms wrapped around me from behind, pulling he against a very smooth, very bare chest.

Suddenly very awake I opened my eyes wider and took in the room. Light grey walls, band posters, a slytherin quidditch jersey thrown haphazardly over the desk chair and a pair of jeans— my jeans, I realise— on the floor, as if I had just stepped out of them a minute ago.

I twisted, facing the person in bed with me, preparing to simply slip out of their grasp and disappear to my dorm, but was stopped short when I was met with the beautifully irksome features of none other than Lorenzo Berkshire. Robbed of all thought and common sense, I half yelled, half shrieked in astonishment. "What the fuck?"

I just blankly stared at the boy now waking and complaining about the noise, not even bothering to to apologise for yelling. As he sat up and rubbed his hand over his face I slid away from him, putting as much space in between us as possible without actually getting out from under the warm sheets. "What..? Oh...," he sighed as he took in our situation, looking from my jeans to me and to the sheet covering us both. "Shit..."

"You could say that," I groan, trying desperately to keep my composure, which proved itself to be more challenging that I had thought, seeing as I was currently sitting in Lorenzo Berkshire's bed.

The thing with Enzo and me was, we had never really gotten along. It had been a rivalry from the moment we had been seated next to each other in charms class. From then on, everything went downhill, it was a better grade in a test here or a prank pulled to turn the others hair pink— which I completely owned— there, once again leading to detention for the both of us.

By the time I had relived all of our lovely interactions together he had finally woken up fully and come to his senses. "What do we do now?" I asked, running my hands through my messy hair.
He just shrugged, looking me up and down, a smirk appearing in his annoyingly handsome face. "You look good in my hoodie, Y/l/n."

I blushed, pulling the covers up higher as to make sure to I was covered as he assessed me further. "You know," he smirked, "maybe this isn't so bad after all, I mean," he paused leaning in closer and grabbing my waist and pulling me to him, "I can't really remember why we didn't get along, can you?"

His close proximity and the fresh scent of his cologne filled my nose and invaded all my senses. I tilted my head, brushing his nose with mine as my eyes flicked from his eyes to his lips and back.
I hummed, trailing my hand onto his chest, fiddling with the slim, silver chain around his neck.

I pushed him down, his head hitting the pillows with a huff as I leaned over him, a teasing smile on my face. "I mean," I mocked him, "I'm sure you can't."

I brush my lips over his teasingly before sliding out of bed and pulling on my jeans. I smirked and blew him a kiss, already by the door. "Oh and I'll be keeping this," I said, pulling at the hoodie. "Bye Enzo."

And with a flourish, the door clicked shut behind me, the only indication of my presence being the lingering scent of my perfume covering the green silk sheets.

hello lovelies,

i'm back with a new story, i had to pause with my updates for a while, because of school and my training, but i kept on working on a few ideas i've had (including the matheo riddle break-up-story part two)

i'm soo excited to get some of these ideas done, also because most of them have been sitting in my drafts for the longest time

we are also slowly nearing our 1k anniversary and i'm honestly so amazed at how far this book has come in just one year. it's actually crazy to think how i started writing this as something i wasn't planning on actually publishing or continuing, which makes this experience much more special for me, knowing that so many of you appreciate my writing. so a thousand thanks for supporting me, no matter how long you've been reading my stories. please know you are very much appreciated and i'm so so happy to have come this far.

thank you all for the support and love and— omg— 85.2k reads!!

love you all, stay safe<33
~ j.

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