Sun Bath | Fred Weasley

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The late summer sun was blazing with heat as I lay in one of the old rickety sun chairs Arthur had brought out. Turning my face I looked over at Hermione, her head in the latest novel of her favourite author.

I smiled at her little frown she wore, knowing she was going to complain about both her book and me not telling her stop frowning. I reached over and idly sipped my drink, the ice cubes already half melted as I raised a hand to cover the sun and watch the Weasleys and Harry play quidditch in the glaring heat.

My eyes followed the distinct outline of Fred as he soared through the sky, throwing his head back in laughter as Ron caught the quaffle, but was almost knocked off his broom at the force of Charlie's throw. Since they weren't enough players for a whole game of quidditch Harry had suggested they play a sort of muggle game called 'piggy in the middle' and just change it to fit their rules.

I grinned as Ron threw the quaffle to George, who threw it at Fred. But rather than watching the quaffle soar further I trained my eyes on Fred— a very hot, very shirtless Fred.
His usually pale, freckled chest was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, making it shine in the bright early-evening light. His abs and the muscles in his forearms flexed as the leaned forward on his broom and made a spectacular twist to catch the soaring maroon ball.

"You're drooling," Ginny said as she walked up next to us. She, too, had been playing quidditch, but the need to get away from all the male company and get a drink compelled her to finally grace us with her presence. "It's not good."

"Oh and you aren't," I shot back, grinning at her as I jerked my head in Harry's direction with a laugh, "You've been ogling him ever since he 'got too warm' when you joined them, convenient, am I right?" She blushed almost as red as her hair, giving a traitorous glance in said raven haired boys direction.
"Ah-ha!" I cackled, aiming a kick at her leg, "I'm right!"

"Shush," she said, swatting at my leg and sending Hermione a sarong look as she laughed with me, "I don't want anyone to hear—,"

"Hear what?" A fuzzy feeling spread through my gut as I tipped my head back to look at Fred. "Nothing." Hermione, Ginny and I said in unison, smiling innocently at the group of Weasley boys and Harry.

Before they could ask any further questions Mrs. Weasley called for dinner and ordered Ron and George to set the table.
Soon everyone had rushed to help with something, whether it was in the kitchen or outside. As I was heading out of the bathroom after having changed into lighter clothes I ran straight first into a chest. The distinct smell of pine needles and fire enveloped me as I looked up into Fred's mischievous eyes.
"So... what does Ginny not want anyone to hear, huh?"

"You're damn near hilarious if you think I'll tell you that." I chuckled. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him, burying his face in my neck and pressing light kisses to it. "Not even for a kiss? C'mon love, you didn't think I saw you watching me from your little sun bath in that bikini we bought together?" He laughed as if I was the hilarious one now.

His mouth grazed my jaw as he kissed further, lips brushing mine as he stared down at me with his piercing gaze, daring me to say now. I sucked in a sharp breath and slightly pushed him away. "Dinner's ready and you stink."

I slipped out of his arms, skipping down the stairs, blowing him a kiss before joining the others outside.

hello lovelies,

a small update for you just before easter, which, fun fact, is our 1k anniversary. i wish you all a happy easter, if you celebrate it, if not, have a lovely sunday!!

stay safe<33
~ j.

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