(not proofread)
There was a slight chill in the air as Draco wondered down the empty halls of the castle, his suit jacket slung over his arm despite the nibbling cold. He had been lucky to have escaped Parkinson at the hall, fully convinced he would have spat his opinion of her into her face if she had whined 'Drayy' one more time.
He was ready to feast on the thought of telling the girl he was clearly not interested, on the contrary, he had been finding himself drawn to a certain girl, when said girl's voice wafted through the hall, reaching his ears. Immediately he slowed, trying to distinguish what she was saying.
She sounded angry, no pissed. Extremely pissed and by the other voice only going 'hmph' he had to assume it was a Weasley.
"— and just because Mione rejected you you're starting to make moves on me now? No, Ron. No. I won't have you resorting to me, her best friend for gods sake, as a second choice just because she was already involved with someone else. And just generally what in Merlin's name is wrong with you, ever since Mione showed up at the ball, with someone else you think it's okay to firstly, pull her away from him and then have the audacity of not even asking, but basically full on demanding for her to date you or whatever.""But I—,"
"But you what? You only just noticed her and are interested now that she's interested with someone else. I honestly can't with you today.""But what do I say, I mean what do I tell her?"
"How about 'I'm sorry'," Draco could practically hear the venom in Y/n's voice, "to both of us."There were a scurry of footsteps, signalling her turning and storming of and a quieter pair, walking in a different direction. Before he could react though, Y/n turned the corner he was slowly sauntering towards and slammed into him with full force knocking them both over.
With a huff, she landed on top of him, eyes wide and surprised as he steadied her, instinctively grabbing her waist. There was a moment of silence when they just stared at each other in shock, lips a few agonising inches apart until Y/n hurriedly spoke.
"Oh my— Merlin, I'm so sorry, I didn't look where I was going," She rambled, scrambling to her feet and stretching a hand out for him, "I'm so terribly sorry, really I didn't mean to- I wasn't—,"Her breath caught in her through when she pulled me up and we came in contact chest to chest. Her cheeks blushed a cute shade of pink when she met my gaze, shy but defiant enough to not be the first to look away.
"I— I..." Her voice wavered and faded again when I lowered my head, brushing my lips over hers so briefly, I didn't even register it. But when I did, I went to craving her lips, her touch— anything really.
I stared down at her, her eyes fluttered closed, lashes casting long shadows over her still pink dusted cheeks. With the self control I had trained and kept for so may years I moved away from her, forcing myself to look away, to detach myself from her rapturing presence. My usual brisk, coldness returning to my voice I said, "Nothing happened."
Nothing happened. My words ringing in my ears, cutting into my flesh I restrained myself from smashing my lips against her, or at least smiling and nodded curtly, continuing my walk down the hall.
I dug my fingernails into my palms trying to get the image of her in that deep green gown, her blushed cheeks and those innocent eyes out of my head, it physically paining me at seeing her so stunned and leaving her so vulnerable.
I mentally kicked myself. No weakness. No vulnerability. Don't feel.
Haha don't you just love -
a 2 minute inspiration-improvisation?This came out of nowhere but I hope you liked it, I'm thinking about making a part two, but lmk what you think.
Thank you all for the support you guys have shown to this book, by just reading it, an extra thanks for voting and adding it to you library, I really appreciate it and I am so proud to say that we've reached 30.8k!!
Stay safe and healthy,
~ j.

Fanfictionas the title suggests, these are a collection of imagines/ one shots featuring harry potter characters. i strongly support reader request and will update these alongside my normal stories. :: no regular updating schedule :: mild language use :: occ...