Love at First Conversation

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Summary: A question, he always had for you, reasons they were to seek you out. But today's questions from him, seem to be running that bit deeper.
Tags: Fluff, fluff, fluff.
Note: Thank you for all the love and support! It means so much! But I think that my time posting here and on A03 is coming to an end. If you love my writing, then here is where you can support me further —

A question: is what he always seemed to have for you. There was always at least one during every shared encounter. Whether passing each other around the rounded corridors, during a workout or the simple ritual of making a coffee, there was always a question. You didn't mind them, not at all. You were intelligent with emotions, and you could feel that they were often ploys to get closer to you. That was good, as you wanted him closer. You were just letting him do it as his own pace. Today, it was a day off, and as the skies outside were cloudy and chilled, you took great pleasure in lounging across the sofa in one of the smaller common-rooms, often used as a reading room. Nestled in between the cushions you were, when you began counting in your mind... 10, 9, 8.... You were a second or two off, but then as predicted, in he walked.

"Hi Lo". He replied with your name and a simple nod of his head, as he took a seat opposite you on the other sofa. He sat upright, with his large, ancient looking book opened on top of the cushion that sat upon his lap. You kept reading, but you could feel his eyes flickering to you. So hard you tried not to let the corners of your mouth move, as your smug smile threatened to show, but you could fob it off to something you were reading anyway. Your eyes kept scanning the words, as your mind wondered how long it would take him. A game it had almost become to you, but not a game of any vindictive nature, no, the game was more endearing. He was endearing. As much as you understood why, you did wish that he would just outright ask what he wanted to ask: to spend time with you, to be with you, etc. And like clockwork, the introductory question was asked.

"What are you reading?". You turned the book to show him the cover.

"It's about a woman who takes a job as an assistant to a writer. I think they fall in love or something, I don't know yet, I just started it", you explained as your eyes rested back upon the words. Loki gave a huh sound at your description and a nod, before carrying on with his reading. You waited again...

"Do you... do you like reading about love?". There it was. Turning your head to the right, as it rested upon the cushion, you saw those absorbing eyes of his, staring over the top of his book. To be honest, that question caught you slightly off guard. Only slightly.

"Ummm... yeah, I guess". You pondered for a moment, deciding on your thoughts. "I mean, its something we can all relate to, isn't it. It's what we run on". He was silent again, as you returned your eyes back to the words.

"You think the world truly runs on love? Isn't that slightly naive thinking?", he spoke again.

"No. We all love, differently, uniquely. And if the world had more of it, then we wouldn't have half the problems we do. We need more of it, in ourselves". He pondered your answer before speaking again.

"You think we all love?". He asked.

"Of course we do. You love your brother, don't you?". You kept your eyes on your book, as you had that feeling not to move a muscle in case he backed off from this conversation. But you also wanted to keep it light, and seem nonchalant, showing him that your words and their meanings were not scary. He was quiet, apart from a small, expected scoff, but you wanted to keep going. "Despite him being sometimes hotheaded and impulsive, you love him, don't you?". Maybe you were pushing this now, but push you did.

"Yes. Yes, he can be hotheaded at times. We can be very different in that way. He is quite foolhardy, arrogant, self-righteous, and he thinks he knows best... despite this, I would do anything to protect him". Now you turned to him.

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