No Strings Attached.

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Christian calls me just as I started to get into bed. I'm in bed way earlier than any regular night. "Hi," I answer.

"Hey, want company? I'm sure your boss drained you today."

"Don't you have a game? Aren't you supposed to be playing like right now?"

"I got ejected," he admits, "My manager is letting me go home early to cool off."

"So we both had shitty-ish days?"

"I guess so."

"I'm already in bed but you have a key so I won't say no."

"It's 8:30."

"That's what a long day does to me."

"I'll stop by."

No, he'll stay the night again. Maybe I'll get sex out of it. Honestly, kind of need it, wouldn't mind at all.

"Okay. I'll see you in a few."


Ten minutes later as I'm scrolling aimlessly on my phone as I hear the front door open and close then lock. Christian comes into my room, kicks his shoes off, and sprawls out on my bed. Dramatic much?

"Why did you get ejected?"

"I was arguing a pitch because the ump was wrong. I kept telling him he was wrong and he didn't like that so he threw me out along with our manager. I might've thrown in some f-bombs too so I know that didn't help."

"Nice one."

"Not my greatest moment. He was wrong though."

I laugh. He puts his hand on my knee, "What about you? I'm sure your day tops mine by a mile or two."

"Well, I was approached by Sydney at 6:15 this morning as I'm putting my shit in a locker and changing into scrubs. Then I told her that she can't get in my way today otherwise we'd have bigger problems."

"And how'd that go?"

"Surprisingly well. I backed into her once because she was too close and then she stayed away. Then we had a guy come in with a literal hole in his chest. Are you weird about gory shit?"

"I'm all good."

"I'm warning you now. Last chance."

"Tell me."

"Whatever penetrated his chest, he took out on his own and then decided to call 911. He was literally spewing blood and so I'm yelling for a cardio surgeon to get to us. I had no way to stop the bleeding so I stuck my hand in him to stop the bleeding. It worked. He's living and breathing."

"How deep?"

"Not quite to my wrist."

"Ew, that's gross."

"I gave you a warning."

He laughs. "We go into a trauma room and Sydney is standing in the corner with her clipboard and pen, watching as me and three other nurses try to get this guy set up for surgery. We desperately needed more hands because I was down one hand. So I yelled at Sydney and told her to put the damn clipboard down and help."

"How good did that feel?"

"You have no idea. I don't yell much, only when it's necessary. It was incredible."

He laughs again. "I had to talk her through intubation before the surgeon got down and took us away into surgery. They're wheeling us to the elevator and she's worried about her shadowing of me today and I told her we can do it another time because clearly there are more important things than following me around like a lost puppy."

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