Point, Blank, Period.

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"Is there anyone next to you?" I ask Christian, wanting to get into the furthest lane to get off of the interstate.


I get over into the furthest lane and coast before my exit. I crack the window to let some air in. "Is that Lambeau?"


I take him by the stadium since we have some time to kill. I watched him become a tourist in the historic, small city I grew up in.

When we arrived at my childhood house, only my brother was home. I park on the street. I call Brandon. "Yeah?"

"Let us in please."

"Be down in a sec."

I shove my phone in my pocket as we gather our stuff. Christian shuts my lift gate before we walk up the driveway. The garage door opens for us. I hug Brandon, "Don't be weird," I tell him quietly.

"I'm not weird."

"Where's mom and dad?"

"Mom is running errands and Dad is at work."

I set my things on the table before making my way to my old room to assess the situation. I hear active playing as well as the TV.

I open the door, "Guess who?"

Ella turns around from playing with some dolls, "Auntie!"

I get down to her level as she runs to me. "Hi, sweetie."

She hugs me, "I kept asking my mom when you'd get here!"

"Are you excited for Christmas?"


I pick her up. "I brought someone with me. Maybe you'll remember him?"


"Remember last year when you stayed at my house and we went to that baseball game?"


"Well, I'm dating the baseball player you met."

She gasps, "You have a boyfriend?"

I laugh, "I do."


I was hoping for a better reaction. But I get it, she's a kid. She thinks boys have cooties and that they're gross. "Do you want to go re-meet him?"


I take her into the kitchen where Brandon and Christian talked. "So he was telling me that you were hitting on him while you were working," Brandon says.

I scoff, "That is not what happened," I say, looking at Christian.

Christian shrugs, "How's mom feel about that?"

"Mom has already met him and she loves him."

"And dad?"

"We'll find out."

Ella looks at me, "I remember him," she says quietly.

"You do?"


I put her down. She hides behind me. "Ella, you're never shy. Why are you hiding now?" Brandon asks.

"Be nice," I toss my keys at him, "There's groceries in the back."

"She's so bossy," he tells Christian.

"Thank you," I tell him as he walks out of the house. Christian gets down to her level. "The last time I saw you, you were a bit shorter."

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