Newfound Realization.

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Exiting the bathroom after finishing my hair, Christian sits on the bed, scrolling through his phone. I undo one of the dress bags to take the dress out.

"How nice do I need to look?" Christian asks.

"A nice shirt works."

I take my dress into the bathroom and hang it on the hook on the back of the bathroom door. I hear him get up as I unzip the back of the dress. I step into the dress and pull it up my body.

"What color should I wear? Black?"

"Sure. Is that what you're wearing tomorrow?"

"That's what I planned to do."

"That's fine."

"Should I wear a tie?"

"It's just dinner."

I fix the straps on my dress before reaching around and trying to zip the dress together. I kick the door open to see if he's busy.

I pick out my jewelry for the night. I put my earrings in and put another necklace on with my daily necklace from Christian. I put a few rings on too.

I step out of the bathroom, "When you're done, can you zip this?"

He comes over to me after putting his button-up shirt on but not buttoning it. He steps behind me, zipping the back of my dress, "Why do they make these with the smallest zipper ever?"

I look at him through the mirror, "I don't know why everything has to zip."

"Thank you," I tell him, finding my shoes in my suitcase.

I sit on our bed with my heels and put them on. "Where's your coat?"

"In the closet."

"The room key?"

"In my clutch. You have the other one."

I sit back on my hands and watch him button his shirt in the mirror. He fixes his hair. He sits next to me and puts his shoes on. He looks over at me, "Ready?"

I nod, "Ready."

"Are you driving or am I driving?"

"I don't care. I have the address."

"I'll drive."

I hand him the key fob from my clutch. I grab my water bottle as he opens the door for me. I look around the room to make sure I have everything.

He smacks my butt as I walk out the door, "Don't start now," I tell him as he pulls the door shut.

He flashes a cheeky grin at me as I pass him. He's such a guy.

He catches up to me as I wait for the elevator, "It shouldn't be that long tonight."

"I don't mind."

Christian's hand rests on my leg as the waiters start taking our empty plates away. I sip on my wine as dessert starts being passed around.

Bridget and Josh come up to us. Bridget kneels between us, "I need a favor from you," she says.

"What's that?"

"So we found out like 20 minutes ago that unfortunately, our officiant came down with pneumonia and can't officiate tomorrow."

"You are not actually asking me this, right?"

"Please? Who else is going to do it?"

"Find another officiant."

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