You Make It Easy.

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Looking out at the property our wedding will be held on is breathtaking. Watching it come together from the seat where I got my makeup and hair done was incredible. All of my work for the past year was finally coming together.

Bridget comes into the room, "Your dad and brother are ready whenever you are," she tells me.

"I'm ready."

My mom picked up the small amount of train so it wouldn't get caught on any nails or splinters in the wood flooring. I take my bouquet from the vase and hold it with one hand as I take the stairs to the main level.

"How's Christian?" I ask quietly as I get in place for my dad and brother.

She touches up my hair, "He's nervous. But he's really excited to see you. I think he's doing a first look with Mali Lou right now."

She smiles at me, "You look beautiful."

I smile, "Thank you."

When my dad and brother turn around, they can't help but become emotional. "Maya you look incredible," Brandon tells me.

My dad hugs me first, "I'm so proud of you. You're such an incredible mom. I can't wait to see this chapter of your life blossom even more than it has. I love you."

"I love you too."

I have yet to see our daughter in her flower girl dress. I hear her little feet scampering on the concrete as she runs up to me from behind. She grabs onto my leg. I turn and bring her in front of me as I crouch down. "You look so beautiful. Did you see Dad already?"

"Yeah! Mama so pretty."

"Thank you, sweetie."

She kisses me and I hug her. Ugh, my girl. My mom takes her as Bridget brings Christian down the wooden stairs. Seeing him made my heart stop.

He's guided to face away from me. Bridget does a couple of touch-ups on both of us. "I've missed you," he tells me.

I smile, "Me too."

"Bridget, can I turn yet?"

"No. Hold on."

Our photographer captures a few more photos before he's allowed to turn. He takes an extra moment before he turns around.

His reaction is perfect. I walk toward him as he's still in disbelief, "You're just not real. This is perfect. You look amazing."

He hugs me, "Is it anything you expected?"

The fitted dress with a deep front and a deep back. To the 3D flowers along the entire length of the dress before spacing out on the train and the beaded shoulder straps. He shakes his head, "Not at all."

"How are you doing?" I ask quietly.

"Really good now."

He rubs my back, "Have you seen her?"

I smile, "Yeah. She's so stinking cute."

He holds my hands, "Are you ready?"

"So ready."

"Hey, do you want a few pictures with her?" Bridget asks, holding Amalia on her hip.

"Yeah," we both say.

She walks over to us, "Mama! Dada!"

We crouch to her level. The light of our lives runs up to Christian. She holds her arms around his neck as we stand up. I put my hand on her back. "Hi, Mama."

"Hi, pretty girl."

We take all of the photos we need beforehand because I'd hate to keep our guests waiting too long before the reception.

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