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"Christian, our parents would kill us," I tell him, sitting upright.

"I think they would understand."

"They wouldn't though."

"I'm not saying that we don't have a wedding. I want that. I want to experience that with you. I'm talking about just going down to the courthouse and legally getting married. We can tell our parents but-"

"I don't know, Christian. I can't imagine that it would go over well with our parents."

"I know it sounds crazy, okay? I know. But I want you to think about it."

"You're asking me to think about too many things right now."

"You can tell me no. It's a thought that popped into my head earlier today."

"I don't know, Christian. I understand where you're coming from but I don't know if it's the right decision for us."

"Everything looks great. Baby looks good. Heartbeat is strong. I don't see why we can't move you to low risk for the remainder of your pregnancy," Dr. Frisco tells us.

I look up at Christian and smile. He continues to watch the monitor as she moves the transducer around my stomach. "Did you want to find out what you're having?"

I look to Christian for an answer. "Up to you."

I do want to know. But I also want it to be a surprise. "We can wait," I tell her.

"Okay. You'll have more opportunities to find out if you want to. Speaking of, your next appointment will be at 20 weeks. Then you'll come back for your gestational diabetes appointment around 25 weeks. I like to do another scan at 32 and 36 weeks. Depending on how you feel and the baby's position, it could be weekly after 36 weeks."

We get one last look at our baby. She wipes my stomach off, "Any questions or concerns? I have no concerns for you and I feel good about moving you down. We're really glad you made it to this point with no complications so we're looking at a healthy pregnancy. If there are no questions or concerns, I'll see you both at 20 weeks."

"Thank you," we tell her.

I tie my scrub pants but they're tighter than I was expecting. "You don't want to know?" he asks as I put my fleece jacket on.

"I don't know. Yes, but not right now. I don't know."

I get our next appointment scheduled and we get our new sonograms. We walk back to the ER. "I'll be back in a few hours," he tells me.

"I'll text you."

He kisses me, "I love you."

"I love you too. Hang these on the fridge, please."

"Front and center."

We smile as he walks backward, "See you later."

"How did it go?" Bridget asks as I sit back in my chair.

"No longer at risk. She moved me to low-risk. We almost found out what we're having but I decided to wait."

"You're going to find out?"

"I don't know. I want to know but I also want to be surprised. Christian doesn't care either way."

"What do you think you're having?"

"I have no idea. I couldn't even make a guess."

"I think we're having a boy."

"Are you going to find out?"

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