My Life and My Decisions.

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Christian makes his way over to us. "Five minutes?" he asks the security guard.

He nods before moving the netting for him. He holds his hand out for me to step over the wall. He kisses me, "How are you?"

"Pretty cold."

He rubs my arms, "It's not optimal weather. But seriously, today's a big day, I guess."

I nod but shrug, "Trying not to think about it."

He nods, "Okay. Stay warm. I'll come get you after we're done," he tells me.


He kisses me before helping me over the wall. Bridget and I walk back to our seats, "You guys are so cute. I love it so much."

"Did you get pictures?"


When we get back to our seats, Alecia is passing out blankets to everyone. "Girls, blankets?"

"Yes, please."

She hands me two huge, fluffy blankets. We overlap our blankets so we get twice the warmth. She starts showing me the pictures she's taken. "I like this one," I say, stopping her from continuing on.

"Already sending it."

I lay my head on her shoulder, still watching as she swipes through the photos. "How are you doing?" Bridget asks.

"I'm okay. I'm trying not to think about it while actively thinking about it."

"It's not going well?"

I shrug, "Can I do anything? Do you want a drink?"

"No, I'm good. I shouldn't drink. I'll be fine."


I scan the hotel key, letting me into Christian's room. The bathroom door is closed. I set my bag of snacks on the table and sort them out. I toss the bag of peanut butter M&Ms onto the bed as Christian walks out of the bathroom.

"Where'd you go?"

"The Walgreens on the corner."



I get ready for bed. He waits for me to get in bed. He holds his arms open, "Did your day get better?"

I shrug, "I guess."

"You guess?"

I lay on his arm, "I'm just over it. Bridget was trying to distract me but she really just annoyed the hell out of me. But she was trying and she cares so it's fine.

"How so?"

"I love her to death. But some things are happening that I can't tell her about just yet. She's trying to pry things out of me and it's only stressing me out further."

"What do you know?"

"In June, Josh is taking her to Boston, then New York City, and then to the Hamptons. She has family in New York and he's proposing there and I know everything. So she just found out about the trip and has her suspicions and suspects that I know everything. So I have to lie to her about it and act like I don't. That's what she was doing for the entire game today, seeing if I knew something or if I'd slip up."

"But you won't."

"No, I won't. But if that's what I have to deal with for the next two months, I'll be more than annoyed."

"There's more."

"We hired a few more people and now they're my responsibility."

"You have enough responsibilities."

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