7. Quarterfinals

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real life, messages

It was the day of the Men's quarterfinals and Luke and Connor both had games. USA played Germany, and Canada would be playing Slovakia. USA's game was at 1pm so after a team lunch the girls went to the rink to watch the game, planning on staying for Canada vs Slovakia.

In the first period Logan Cooley, Jimmy Snuggerud, and Red Savage score for USA, making the score 3-0. In the second Jackson Blake, Logan Cooley had another, Cutter Gauthier had two, and Red Savage had another. Making the score 8-0 at the end of the second.

The game finished 11-1 with goals from Kenny Connors, Logan Cooley with a third, and Dylan Duke. The boys celebrated in the locker room, coming out to watch Canada play Slovakia.

Canada was in their black jerseys, and Slovakia was in white. The game was close the whole time. At the end of the first it was 1-0 Canada, Connie had scored. In the second, Dylan Guenther scored making it 2-0 Canada. Slovakia put 2 in the net, so it was 2-2.

Zack Ostapchuk score before the second was over, putting Canada in the lead going into the third. Slovakia had scored near the end of regulation sending the game into over time.

Everyone was on the edge of their seats especially, during overtime. Connor had gotten the puck at the blue line and made a move around the first Slovakia player, then the second, then he beat the goalie and scored the game winner.

Canada would be going to the semis where they would play USA, Sweden would be playing Czech in the other semifinal game. Both USA teams got on their buses to go back to the hotel after the game ended. Bella had snuck down to the hallway by the locker room to see Connor, the two hugged and she said congratulations, and he wished her luck for her game tomorrow.

Bella had gone to bed around 11:30 that night, after she texted Connor, Chloe and Meredith- who picked on the girl for talking to Connor, which she blushed at- and her parents. The game was at 1pm for the girls and they were playing Finland. Bella had gotten ready and made her way to Chloe's room. She knocked on the door and Chloe answered with a almost shocked look on her face.

"Bella? What are you doing? Here?" Chloe asked

"Uhm... coming to get you for the game. What's going on?" Chloe asked


"Is there someone in there?" Bella asked and Chloe didn't answer, which was a 'yes'

"Oh! my go! Who is it?" Bella asked excitedly, slowly losing excitement as she looked at Chloe.

"Is it my brother?" Bella asked, Chloe nodded her head yes.

"Please tell me he had clothes on."

"Oh my go! Yes." Chloe said, the door opened more to reveal a freshly woken up Luke walking to them in shorts and a t-shirt.

"Aww. That's so- i don't know. But yay, Chloe! Luke! Fuck you bitch." Bella said, "We have to leave in like five minutes, Chloe."

"Shit!" Chloe said running to get clothes and going to the bathroom to change. Bella walked in and sat on the floor. She could tell Luke was worried about what she would say.

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