33. birthday girl

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real life, social media, messages

Bella had been sleeping when she felt her bed dip. She opened her eyes and saw her brother and Maya sitting in her bed. Both were smiling and said,

"Happy birthday Bella!" The two yelled and hugged the girl.

"Thank you, but why are we yelling at 9 in the morning?" Bella questioned the two, who told her it's because it's her birthday.

"Get ready, we have things to do." Quinn said and patted her foot as he stood up and walked out.

"What? What are we doing? Quinn! Oh, come on. You can't say that without anything else!" Bella called out after the brother.

The team had practice and they all wished Bella a happy birthday. The practice was a walk through for the game the next day. After the practice they went home and got Maya, then the three went out to lunch.

Quinn payed then he asked if Bella wanted to go to the mall.

"Yeah, but I don't have my card." Bella told her brother.

"I'm aware."

"So how will I pay?" Bella asked and he looked at her like she's stupid.

"It's your birthday, idiot. I'm paying." Quinn said as they payed for lunch and walked out.

They had spent most of the day at the mall, Bella making sure to not get anything expensive or a lot of things, but both Maya and Quinn kept an eye on what she was eyeing and bought if for her anyway. They had a gift but it was a small one, so they wanted to give her something else and couldn't decide. So they went with this.

They got home and Maya told the girl to put on one of the dresses she had bought that day because they had one last stop. She saw white and purple tulips on the table with a card. It was from Connor.

She had gotten ready and the three got back in the car and drove to another restaurant. She walked in and saw her parents, Jack, and Luke, and Chloe and Morgan sitting at a table waiting for the three

She hugged everyone and sat down, her two brothers had a gift for her. She opened the box and saw a beautiful necklace that said 'little sister' in a heart. Her three brothers showed that they all had one that said 'big brother'.

"I would just like to say, I gave them the idea." Chloe said.

"I'm sure." Bella said smiling to Chloe.

"Okay, this is from me and your father." Ellen said pulling out her gift.

It was a framed picture from when Bella, Chloe and Meredith were fifteen. Bella was in the middle and Meredith was on the left, Chloe in the right. The two outside girls kissed Bella's cheek. Bella saw it and her eyes immediately filled with tears.

It's her favorite picture.

"What is it?" Chloe asked from next to the girl. Bella gave her the picture to look at.

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