14. fuck finals

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real life

School was ending for Bella and she could not be more excited. She had been studying for her finals non stop, terrified of failure. She had been walking around her house reading her notes, she read them when she ate, she read them when she was walking around and because of that she was running into things.

Bella was sitting at the kitchen table with all of her noted for AP Physics in front of her. She heard the front door open but kept her focus on her notes.

"Bella, Bella, Bella." Quinn said finally getting his sisters attention.


"What are you doing?"

"Studying." Bella said turning back to her notes.

"Why don't you take a break." Quinn suggested

"I can't. I wanna get a good grade." Bella said making Quinn give up on trying to talk to her and go to the living room.

In the middle of May, Jack and Luke came back home after getting kicked out of the playoffs. Bella hadn't stopped studying, in fact it started getting worse. She was sleeping and eating less, and becoming very stressed.

She had taken her physics, math, french and marketing final, now she only had a couple left. She sat in her room on her bed, facing away from her door reading over notes she took for a history class.

"Hey, dinner's ready." Jack said from the doorway

"I'll be down in a little bit." Bella said reading over her notes and taking practice tests.

"Okay." Jack said walking over and pushing the papers onto the floor.

"Jack, what the fuck?"

"Food. Now. Come on, let's go."Jack said forcing his sister downstairs and to the kitchen to eat.

"I can eat later."

"You can study later too. Come on, you've barely eaten anything the last few days." Jack said as the two sat down at the table with everything else.

"I'll eat when I finished my finals." Bella told Jack, but her other brothers were listening g now too.

"Bella, that's not safe." Quinn said

"Since when did that matter?"

"You being safe always mattered." Luke said.

"Yeah, whatever." Bella mumbled as she began to eat.

Bella had gone back to her room after she finished eating and talked to Connor. He was spending the beginning of summer with his family before the draft, then would be in whatever city he as drafted to for the rest of the season.

After Connor and the Regina Pats lost in the first round of the playoffs and Bella had gone to the last game, she spent a few days with him and his family then went back home. Connor had told the girl he wouldn't be able to go to her house for the summer.

And while lying is bad, Ellen Hughes suggested that it would be a nice surprise for the girl. Ellen was super excited to have the boy at her home. She saw how much Connor meant to Bella, and with Connor there the family might find out about where Bella had decided to go to college.

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