13. nationals

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real life

         Nationals had come quicker than Bella expected. It was already April, and she was heading to California, where nationals were held this year. Both her mother and father flew with the girl, but they didn't force her to hang out with them.

Bella and Chloe looked to see if the ducks had any home games in the week they were in town, they had three, two against the devils. Bella wanted to watch Jack play and possibly Luke play. Since Michigan just lost in the frozen four, Luke was going to Jersey to play. Bella just hoped her brothers could make it to at least one game. Her game times were alright, and her schedule was pretty spread out.

Wednesday was team practice, Thursday game is at 8:30 am, Friday game is at 1:30pm, and Saturday is at 7:45pm. Depending on how those games went would determine Sunday and Monday. Since Bella had already committed to a college she didn't have any scouts watching her this year, but a couple girls on her team did.

Wednesday practice went extremely well and her team and coaches were excited for the games to start. The Thursday game was against some Massachusetts team. They were tall, fast and very physical. Going into the corner Bella got her foot taken out from under her and went to catch herself, hurting her arm in the process. The first game of nationals and Bella had gotten hurt.

Great. If i'm broken i'm gonna disappoint everyone. My teams gonna hate me. I won't play college hockey, and my life would be over!

Bella and her team were down 2-0 going into the third. When she went off the ice in between periods she got her wrist wrapped and took some advil and went back out. Somehow they managed to win 4-2.

Bella was a little disappointed her brothers didn't go to her game, but understood because it was early and they had a game later that day. Bella and her team hung out in a large conference room and their hotel, and ate dinner.

The Friday game was not as good as the first one. They were playing a team from Wisconsin who were all at least six feet tall. The were down going into the third again and Bella's wrist hurt really bad. After the first game she went to Urgent Care and basically told her she's lucky her wrist isn't broken.

Regulation ended up tied and after overtime it was still tied. It was going into a shootout, and Bella knew she shouldn't go with her wrist how it was. There were at least nine people who could go instead of her, but she heard her coach call her name to go fifth.

"Coach, I don't think I should. My wrist-"

"Is fine. We need you out there, and you better score." Coach said walking to the other side of the bench. Michigan was second to go.

Wisconsin went first, they missed. Chloe went, she scored. Wisconsin went, and missed again. Luv went, miss. Wisconsin went, scored. Hayley went, missed. Wisconsin went a fourth time and missed. Maddie went and missed. On Wisconsins last attempt they scored.

It's all up to me.

Bella went, she got the puck taking it to her forehand, then her backhand. She fake a shot on her forehand and quickly brought it back to her backhand, it hit the top of the goalies pad and went under her shoulder. The goalie hit it with the nub of her stick, sending it away from the goal.

Fuck. I let them all down

Fuck! My wrist!

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