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real life

July 12, 2026

Bella loved the summer. She got to spend time with her family, her best friends, and her boyfriend. This year Maya and Quinn were having their wedding. Megan and Hayden were going to be the flower girls, Maya wanted Bella to be her maid of honor, and Quinn had his two brothers as his best men.

Bella was smiling the whole time, her brother was getting married so why wouldn't she be? The two had their first dance, and the others around them watched the two. Once their dance was over other people started joining them in the dance floor.

          Connor stood up from his seat next to Bella and turned to her with his hand out.

          "What?" Bella asked confused.

          "Do you wanna dance?" Connor told her and she smiled. Bella grabbed his hand, stood up and the two walked to the dance floor.

          "Don't Megan and Hayden look so cute in their little dresses?" Bella gushed at the twins.

          "You look cute." Bella looked at Connor with a straight face.

          "Shut up." Bella told his as a smile began to grow in her face.

          "Are you hungry? Do you want to get some food?" Connor asked Bella who nodded her head.

          Bella and Connor sat at their table. It was Ellen, Jim, Jack, Morgan, Luke, Chloe and Bella and Connor. Luke and Chloe came to join the two at the table a little while later. Chloe sat next to Bella, and the two were talking about how beautiful Maya looked and how cute the venue was.

          Ellen and Jim joined the two after they talked with Quinn and Maya about how adorable the two are and. Morgan and Jack came to the table with the twins.

         "How mad would Quinn and Maya be if I took their twins?" Jack asked.

         "Maybe a tiny bit upset." Luke said. As if on que Quinn and Maya walked over and the twins covered their faces with their eyes so their parents couldn't see them.

          "Have you guys seen to little girls running around? They were with their irresponsible uncle." Maya said and the twins giggled, and Jacks mouth dropped open in offense.

         "I am not irresponsible."

          "Really? Then where are the twins?" Quinn asked knowing Jack was about to say.

          "Right here. Dang it." Jack sighed as he realized Quinn played him.

           "We just wanted to say hi, and thank you for coming." Maya told the table.

          "We wouldn't have missed this." Ellen told the girl, "Just glad Quinn finally manned up." Ellen joked.

          "Okay. I'm just here to say hi to my kids." Quinn said.

          "You're not here to see me? You own sister? That's rude. I haven't seen you in like three hours."

          "Oh, do you want a hug?" Quinn asked joking.

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