7 | Perfects

358 9 15

Genre: Fluff because i've been doing too much angsty things lately
Words: 788


Johnny Cade


The morning sunlight glimpses into my eyes, making them sting. I let out a groan and slip the covers back over my face, my hair being the only exposed thing of me. I feel a hand reach for my hair and a soft chuckle echoes around the room as the hand ruffles my fluffed mop of hair. "Ponyboy," I groan, flipping to my other side and sinking deeper into the blankets. As I flip, more and more of the blanket wraps around my figure like twine. "Johnny," Ponyboy mocks my groan, which makes me laugh quietly. "Come on, Johnnycakes, you ought to get up." He whispers, sitting down next to me and rubbing the lower part of my side. I feel the spot next to me on the bed sink as Ponyboy raises his body down next to me. I flip over to face him and he smiles. "There you are." He smiles. "You gonna get up?" "Five more minutes?" I ask, he nods. "Five more minutes." He assures, standing up and walking out the door. As he approaches the door, he stops at it with his hand sticked to the doors frame. "Breakfast is ready when you want it, okay?" "Okay." I mumble a reply, drifting back off into sleep.

The next time i'm awake, the clock reads nine. What it read before, doesn't really cross my mind, because I don't remember. But, it sure wasn't anything close to nine, I shuffled out of bed and slip on the grey slippers at the end of the bed Ponyboy and I had been and slugged out of the room. I walk into the kitchen and Ponyboy sits at the dinning table with a book im hand. At the other end of the table, a full plate of toast, bacon, and eggs sits flat on it. I sneak up behind Ponyboy and hug him from behind, resting my cheek on the side of his neck. "You're finally up!" Ponyboy comments, turning his face to the side as he tries to make eye contact with me. I kiss him on the cheek, "I am," I say. "How long was I asleep for?" I ask. "No longer than an hour. Want me to reheat your breakfast?" Ponyboy confirms. I nod and he stands up, slipping away from my grasp and grabbing my plate, slipping away to the microwave.

The microwave beeps signaling the plate is finished heating up. Ponyboy slides the plate from the microwave and clanks it shut, floating back to the table and placing the plate right in front of where I am seated. Ponyboy slides his chair out and sits next to me and takes out his book again, setting it flat on the table and continuing to read the text listed on its page. We sit in silence, every now and then exchanging eye contact or a gentle smile. After I finish my meal, I clear my throat and ask Ponyboy a question. "Wanna go back to the bedroom?" I ask, Ponyboy perks his head up and looks at me nodding. "Sure, i'd like that." He says, standing up and tucking his chair in. I grab for his rough hands and we walk hand-in-hand to our bedroom.

Ponyboy slips the covers over him as he gets comfortable in bed. I slip my hoodie off and am left in my baggy white t-shirt and black shorts that meet at the top of my kneecaps, my hair faced and stranded in every other direction. I burrow into bed next to Ponyboy and he wraps his free hand around my shoulder as his other hand carefully cages his book. "Do you mind if I read for a bit?" Ponyboy asks, leaning his head on mine and glancing at me. "I don't mind at all —" I sputter as I heat up. " — as long as you read to me." I joke. "Okay, Chapter ten —" Ponyboy reads in a soft voice, and I drown in his glory. I don't even pay attention to the story — I pay attention to the way his lips curve when he smiles, the light freckles on his face you'd really only notice if you were inches away, the clean scent of his auburn hair, I notice and exam all of his perfects and fall in a trance of love. "Are you paying attention?" He chuckles. I look at him in a state of love and admiration. "Yeah," I respond. Ponyboy nods an 'Okay' and goes back to his reading, and I don't hear a word he says. I stay too sucked into how perfect he is. All of his perfects.

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