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THIRD UPLOAD OF THE NIGHT ‼️ also Ally ik you're gonna be pissy about me uploading while you're sleeping. You will not be the first to read this oneshot and I am sorry . Do not cancel me yet. I couldnt wait for the morning.

Genre: Angst (only a bby amount dw), Fluff
Words: 1219


Ponyboy Curtis


Today, the gang is hanging around our house. Well, not all. Dally is locked up again, has been for a couple days now. Steve and Soda are sitting at the dining table arm wrestling while Darry tentatively watches his kid brother wrestle his good friend Steve. Steve is a strong guy -- He could take on just about anybody. But if Darry and Steve were put into a boxing ring, my big brother would walk out with the trophy.

We're a tight nit group, the gang and I. We try to be with each other as much as we can. But I'm closest with Two-Bit and Johnny.
Two-Bit sees me as his kid brother, and I see him as my brother, too. Two-Bit and I sit on the couch watching his favorite show as we wait for Johnny to show up to our house. I adore Johnny the most out of all of the boys of the gang. Him and I relate the most. We both are the youngest, we both feel a sense of disarray in our lives, and we both sure do like the Drive-In. I mean, most of the boys do. It's just Johnny and I who are the most persistent with it. I like Johnny more than all of the gang members combined, even my two brothers. I think I love Johnny, even. I sure wouldn't mind cozying up with the boy, dating him, even, if it weren't so glared upon. I'm sure Two-Bit and them all wouldn't mind it, maybe Dally would, but how would the public react? The socs? I'd be the latest hit amongst the snobs. Getting beat on like a jungle gym and all. Johnny sure would, too, and that would only make it so many times worse.

The door eases open and a beaten up, crumpled down, and discarded Johnny stands at the door. He's shaking, and he's try to cower out words but they just don't come out. Two-Bit and I stand up immediately and look at Johnny in terror -- he looks like a wreck! "Now what the shit happened to you, Johnnycakes?" Two-Bit yelps. Darry walks into the living room. "You watch that cursing, bub!" Darry growls, but when he sees Johnny, he too lets out a curse or two. "Ponyboy, get the first aid kit!" Darry commands, I shuffle into the bathroom and grab the small red tub filled with all sorts of things. Ointments, wraps, pills, anything that could save us a couple hundred dollar bill. I run back into the living room and Johnny is now sitting on the couch in between Darry and Two-Bit. He shakily breathes and he's drenched head to toe in sweat and musk. I set the first aid kit on the coffee table and Darry picks through it immediately. I stare fearfully and tentatively as Darry goes to work on Johnny's wounds. Two-Bit pats Johnny's shoulder as Darry starts going to town on his large gash against his arm, rubbing ointment on it and scowling at the purplely-red mess on his body. "You're gonna be alright, kid." Two-Bit assures, and we all know he'll be alright, because though Two-Bit is dumb, he's smart too, and sweet. Two-Bit only wants the best. And what Two-Bit wants is what he gets.

The best my big brother could do for Johnny at the moment is give him some ointments and some advil to help the headache. Two-Bit has trailed into the kitchen for a beer, and Darry has ran to the drug store for some more supplies to help out Johnny. Johnny and I am left in silence on the couch together. Johnny looks almost ashamed. I have so many questions, but I hold them back before I offend the boy. "Hey, how about you take a shower? You can borrow some clothes of mine and we can run your dirtied clothes through the wash." I offer, Johnny looks to me and gives me a hurt, small smile. "That would be good. Thanks, Ponyboy." I nod. "Anytime, Johnny."

I run Johnny a warm shower and trail into the washer room, loading Johnny's dirtied clothes into the wash. I then come back to my room and dig through my piles of clothes. I search for sweatpants and a t-shirt. They may be lose fitted on him, but they will work. I come to the bathroom door and gently knock on the door. "Hm?" Johnny hums. "I brought you some clothes, mind if I come in?" I ask, fidgeting with the hem of the sweatpants. "Sure, come in." Johnny replies, muffled. I come in and am instantly met with blushed cheeks. Johnny stands, embarrassed with a towel wrapped around his waist. He has cuts, bruises, and much too many scars on his body. These marks break my heart, but I try to ignore the idea because they probably hurt him more than it hurts me, and it probably doesn't make him feel too hot when I look at him with that fearful gaze. I set his clothes on the counter. "Let me know if you want different clothes." I say, walking out the door. "Wait -- Ponyboy," Johnny yells frantically. I turn around with a cocked brow. "Thank you, for everything." He says, fidgeting with the top of his towel. I smile, feeling my cheeks heat up more and more. "Of course." I reply, walking out the door and closing the door. God, he is glorious.

Johnny and I sit in Soda and I's bedroom. We had convinced Johnny to stay with us until tomorrow morning, we knew his parents would throw a soiled fit but that is an issue we will deal with tomorrow. We'll always stick up for Johnny, we'd even beat on his old man if it meant saving his life.
Soda and Steve are off at Two-Bit's for the night, and Darry is slumped on the couch. Right now, it's just Johnny and I in the world, and it is beautiful. Johnny and I sit against the frame of the bed and lean in close to one another. Suddenly, I feel a kiss pressed against my head. I'm blushing, absolutely stunned at what just happened. "Thank you," Johnny says. "Thank you for everything." He adds, leaning his head against my shouler. I don't know if he's aware of what he's saying or doing, Darry had drugged him up with abunch of pharmacy pills to ease the pain. But if he means this all, and if he loves me in the same lens that I love him, than I am the happiest I've ever been. I am the happiest, just sitting here with Johnny. I want it to stay this way. I close my eyes and freeze the photo.



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