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headcannons bc im feelin a bit silly 😙😙

Originally this was gonna be strictly johnny n pony but then as the days went on i just started adding the other gang members ...

— Ponyboy has a very complex haircare routine ☝️☝️hair masks, fancy shampoo/conditioner, hair oils, the whole routine. This man is a diva.

— Johnny is quite the opposite. He washes his hair with a bar of soap. Someone send help for this man.

— Ponyboy is scared of cats 😙

— Johnny is scared of heights

— Johnny is awful at trying in school , but he is a literal genius. IF ONLY HE WERE TO JUST TRY.

— Ponyboy is overly critical about what he does and how he does them. Very, very, insecure.

— Ponyboy can play the guitar AND the piano. We luv a talented king.

— Ponyboy loves trying to embarass Johnny in public and it works 🤷‍♀️

— Two-Bit is a MEGA stoner. But hes also the type of guy to never clean his Bong. But its okay cuz he makes up for it by naming it . . . YOU GUESSED IT, SAY IT WITH ME NOW: MICKEY MOUSE

— cherry is a girls girl 🫶 Marcia isnt tho she looks like the type of girl to judge you for every little thing when the only thing she should be judging is that ugly ass haircut of hers. Sorry. I have my own personal beef with that girl.

— Ponyboy grows up to be an author

— When I think of Johnny, I cant really see him as any career specifically. However I feel like his career would have to do with animals. Maybe a veterinarian?

— Two-Bit has rizz. A whole lot of it. I guess that isnt really a Headcannon — it's kinda true..

— Once when Ponyboy was very little he brought home a stray puppy. Darry was PISSED, But secretly he liked the dog a whole lot

— Soda wears a speedo to the pool (...help..?)

— I'm telling you, if m&m (from that was then, this is now — another novel by SE Hinton) ever met Johnny or Ponnyboy they would all get along really well.

— Darry would keep Ponyboys art from when he was a kid on the fridge (it is still there till this day)

— Darry is a very cherishing/sentimental person , if you were to give him a bracelet, flowers, a letter, anything, he would never ever throw it away.

Thats all I have for now I may make more hc parts in the future 😰

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