9 | 'Troublesome Stuff' PT. 2

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This is the second part to "Troublesome Stuff" (oneshot #6) read it for context — or don't, I can't stop you

Genre: Fluff , Adventure, Fast-Paced
Words: 1418

Ponyboy Curtis


On saturday, me and Johnny meet at the Drive-In. The crowd is pretty loud tonight, there's almost a full house. I underestimated the crowd, so now I'm a bit worried. See I had a plan going.

I didn't tell Johnny this . . But I didn't buy tickets. There's a hole in the fence around the back that I always slip through. Thats how I was going to sneak Johnny and I in. But now I'm doubting my plan. What if there's no seats by the time we slip in? Me and Johnny walk side by side, as we finish my pack. Johnny takes a drag. "Wow, quite a full place tonight, ain't it?" He scoffs out a huft of smoke. "You ain't kidding." I reply as we examine the crowd from outside the parking lot. "Hey Johnny?" I ask. "Yeah, Ponyboy?" "I didn't quite tell you this, and please don't get mad . ." I start, looking down at my shoes. "Why would I be mad? What's wrong?" Johnny asks. "But I didn't buy tickets to the drive-in." "Ponyboy!" Johnny playfully yells, tapping my shoulder. "But, hey! I have a plan. But you've got to trust me." I say. "Oh oka—" and before he can finish his sentence, I thwack the cigarette from his hand onto the hard cement, grab his hand, and I start running behind the drive-in. "PONYBOY!" Johnny gasps through the air. I look behind me and see Johnny's face is a bright hue as he stares at his and I's hands intertwined with one another. I trade him a smile as I take a turn and then slow my running into a walk. "Po—Ponyboy . ." Johnny gasps out through his laughter. "Shh," I giggle. "You're gonna get us caught, man!" I whisper. Johnny covers his mouth to muffle his laughter as he mumbles a 'sorry'. "Okay," I shutter. "We're gonna have to climb under the fence through that little hole." I say, pointing at the hole in the fence. "Well, you're gonna have to let go of my hand to do that, Ponyboy." Johnny chuckles. My face goes red. Have I been doing that the whole time? I do things so mindlessly sometimes. I let go immediately and huft an apology. "No, it's okay!" Johnny assures. "Now let's do this thing before the movie starts."

I help Johnny under the fence, and then follow him behind. We sneak behind the concession stand and we stand in awe at how many people are here tonight. "Must be a good movie," I snicker. "Well obviously, it looks like the whole of Tulsa is here!" Johnny replies with a giggling smile. "Well let's hurry up and find a seat before there is none left," I say, shuffling towards the seating.

Almost every seat is filled, besides two in the very back. I point to it and me and Johnny shuffle over to the seats. We sure hope they aren't reserved. We're gonna be in a tough situation if so. I sit down, but Johnny doesn't. "I'm going to go get some popcorn. Do you want any?" He asks no louder than a whisper. I nod. "Yes please." I say. Johnny nods back, and trails away to the concession stand inside the main building.

A couple minutes later, Johnny trails back with a large thing of popcorn. "The large thing was cheaper than two small —" "Don't worry about it." I say with a smile. But in my head, I'm thinking: I hope nothing goes wrong.

You know how in movies it's a cliché when two people go to the movies together and they accidentally touch eachothers hand in the popcorn bowl? Happens all the time. This is exactly what happens to me. My face heats to a bright red as I pull my hand away from the bowl, stiffling an apologetic nervous laugh. Johnny does the same, looking even more embarassed as I am. "Sorry —" Johnny whispers. "No — I'm sorry, it was my fault." I reply. "No really the fault is mine —" "Could you two stop talking?" The man sitting next to us groans. "I'm trying to watch the movie." Johnny has this nervous look on him. His eyes are all wide and his head is ducked as he stares down to his shoes. "Sorry sir," he mutters. I put my hand on his knee, look at Johnny for a moment, then to the man. "We're sorry." "Whatever," the man groans, popping more popcorn into his wrinkled mouth.

Johnny and I continue to watch the movie playing on the big screen, but as the minutes pass, we notice a bit of a fuss behind us towards the side of the concession house. Johnny turns his head and his eyes go wide. "Ponyboy . . ." He whispers. I perk my head up. "Huh?" "Securi —" "Ponyboy Curtis!" An adult man shouts grabbing the back of my shirts neck.

"Hey Mister, how's it going?" I say, trying to stay casual as he lifts me to my feet in a fit of rage. "What have we said about sneaking into the theater?!" He hisses. "I didn't—" "You did! Again! The fine woman and son that bought those seats came and complained that some delinquent grease stole their spot!" He says, tightening his grasp onto my neck. "You let him go, Mister!" Johnny yelps, standing up from his seat and chucking the popcorn onto the ground before us. He grabs on my hand and tugs me from the security guards grasp. "We won't do it again — we swear!" Johnny assures, but I think that's only true for one of us. At this point, many eyes of the crowd are glued onto us. I turn to face Johnny and I mouth the word: "Run."

Johnny and I run hand in hand out of the fenced field the movie is being played on. It takes a moment for the security to realize we dipped, but when he notices, he snarls out a string of profanities as he tries to catch up with us. Me and Johnny giggle as we run. "You get back her, Pu-Punks!" He hufts, out of breath. I stick my middle finger into the air and Johnny slips under the fence as I hop over it. Johnny gasps out air and continues to laugh as we jog away, slowing down more because him and I know that the guy couldn't catch us if he tried at this point. The guy's too big to slip under the fence and I surely doubt he could hop it, either. The man runs around the other side of the field to the main entrance, but by the time he arrives to where we were, we were already gone.

Johnny and I settle down at the park, climbing up the monkey bars. "I really blew that date, didn't I?" I chuckle. "No — You didn't. I think I've had the best fun I've ever had just now." Johnny smiles as he leans in closer to me. "I owe you a better date, atleast." I say, but he doesn't give me a reply, only a shy smile, but I think he meant 'Yes, you do.'. "You just pay for it this time." He adds with a sas. I roll my eyes. "I will, I will." I say, leaning my head against his. I feel comfortable around him.
Him and I look up at the stars, our shoulders grinded against one another. Johnny looks down for a moment and smiles at my lips. I look down to face him, too. "I had fun, Ponyboy." Johnny whispers, as he leans in and gives me a kiss on the cheek. My cheeks flush, and I try to lean in for a kiss on the lips, but before I can steal a kiss off his lips, he puts his pointer finger against my lips and I let out a dissapointed groan. "I'll see you Monday, Ponyboy." Johnny says, hopping off the top of the bars and walking home. I try to protest, but by the time I can even think of what to say, he's already too far to hear.


A/N) this took forever to write I hope u liked it. Also I may or may not make a part 3 (I love this concept wtf sobbing I wisj this wasnt a oneshot)

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