Secrets out.

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Lucy's POV

As I arrived home that night I knew Emmett was going to be mad, I mean I was two hours late. I brace myself as I unlock the door.

"WHERE WERE YOU?" I hear a voice boom the second the girls run over to the couch for a hug from their drunk father. 
"The daycare was closed I had to take them to my Aunts." I try to explain but before I know it Emmett is all in my face. 
"Go put the kids to bed before they see some SHIT you don't want them to do," Emmett whispers to me sending shivers up my spine. I obey his order.
"Come on girls bedtime!" I say cheerfully while trying to hold back tears. I take them to their room, get them both changed into pjs and put a Disney princess movie on their TV so they can't hear the chaos. I take a deep breath in and out to get ready for the pain I'm about to endure. I walked out of their room and was met by a hand slapping me across the face. I just stand there because I know if I don't it will be worse. All of a sudden I'm thrown against a wall.
"WHY AREN'T YOU DOING ANYTHING?" Emmett yells. I shake my head because I'm winded. After a little more punching he finally goes back to his couch and falls into a deep slumber.

I'm awoken 3 hours later. to the sound of a small voice.

"Mummy Willow was sick and I don't feel well." Whispers Oakley. No, no, no they have the stomach bug.
"Alright, I'm coming honey," I tell her calmly and slowly getting out of bed because of the pain I'm in. After I clean up the girls and get them situated with buckets it's already 6 so there's no point of going back to sleep. As I'm making my coffee I see Emmett run out the door. Must be a fire great now I need to call in sick and it's going to make Tim get on my back. I don't mind the attention though, I'm not used to it and he's so caring. Wait? What am I doing? I have Emmett. Right? 

Tim's POV
"Also Officer Chen has called in sick so Bradford you will be riding alone," Grey announces during his daily role call announcements. 
"Dismissed!" Grey shouts. We all get up and leave. I go straight to the shop and start to drive to Lucy's house. Something's wrong, I know it. I pull up to her house and knock on the door. I watch as she opens the door, she has a bruise on her face. 
"Lucy? What happened to you?!" I ask confused. "Was it Emmett? Is he here I'll fucking arrest him." I sternly say.
"No! He's not here and it wasn't him I was jumped." She tries to tell me. All of a sudden I hear the sound of light footsteps of two people.
"Mummy, I'm hungry." Two little voices say. 'Mummy?!' Lucy turns around and signals for me to come inside the house and squats down to talk to the two twin girls.
"Guys mummy will make you lunch in a second, just go finish watching your movie." She tells the kids in a soft tone.
"Alright, mummy!" The two girls say cheerfully and run off.
"You have kids?" I ask confused.
"Yeah.. are you mad I didn't say anything." She says while we walk to her kitchen.
"No, you chose to keep it to yourself and I respect that," I tell her as I turn around to see the two girls dancing to a song playing on the TV. "They are super cute you know?" I tell her with a smile.
"Ohhh you have a soft spot for children?" She smiles. Her smile is so adorable. 
"If you tell anyone I swear I'll end your career." I joke. She pretends to get stabbed in the heart and starts giggling. Adorable. What the hell am I thinking she's my old rookie I can't like her.
"So, why weren't you at work today? You don't seem sick." I ask her.
"I mean I can't leave TWO sick kids at their aunties again." She tells me shrugging as she butters some bread.
"Fair enough," I tell her smiling. I snap out of it. 
"Anyways I should get going." I awkwardly tell her after I notice I'm on shift and have been here for half an hour. Lucy walks me to the door and says goodbye to me before closing the door and I hear her call to her kids. I smile and go back on patrol.

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