Locking him up.

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Lucy's POV
We head straight to Grey's office and leave the twins to play with Angela and Jackson.
"Sir we got the proof we got the girls to name-check both Lucy and Emmett with their last names and their careers, how often he abuses Chen, a drawing of them, how long it usually lasts, also the aggressive stuff he says during the attacks," Tim tells Grey straight up leave Grey with his jaw dropped. 
"We could get him behind bars for a while with that, I hope you told Lopez thank you," Grey says smiling.
"Uh, actually Tim got all the extra stuff from them," I say speaking up finally.
"Wow." Grey simply says. "Ok well let me listen to that then I can sign off on the arrest warrant," Grey tells me. Tim emails the voice recordings to Grey and we sit there and listen to it together. 
"Yeah, this is more than enough," Grey tells us after the recording is finished, he quickly signs his name and hands it to us.
"Let's go lock this fucker up," Tim announces.

We head over to my house with backup on the way. I unlock the house with my key to save some money. We run in to find Emmett on the couch. I smell the alcohol, the place looks like a dump with pictures of me and the girls all over the ground, holes in the walls and more.
"LAPD PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" I scream in anger. He wakes up quickly.
"Look who finally came home." He says as he chuckles. He creeps up towards me before I know it Tim's standing in front of me face to face with Emmett.
"Show me your fucking hands," Tim demands.
"C'mon Timmy, I just want to talk to her. Move." Emmett says with a smile.
"No. Show me your hands, you're being arrested for assault and battery, Assault of a police officer, Child endangerment and more things that I'll be looking up in my book when we get back to the station to make sure you are gone forever. So show me your fucking hands." Tim demands. I stand next to Tim to see Emmett's face.
"I knew you were slutting around with him." He yells to me. He then slaps me right across the face. Tim holsters his gun and punches Emmett in the nose knocking him down. He then flips Emmett do his back.
"Lock him up, Luce." He says to me. Just as I hook him up the backup shows up and takes him. I hug Tim tightly.
"You saved me from him." I cry.
"I did." He tells me hugging me tightly. I cry into his shirt as he holds me. This makes me think, I think I like Tim if only he felt the same.
"Do you want to stay with me for a few more days until we can finish cleaning this place up and you are healed enough to take care of the little boots by yourself?" He says smiling as he lets me go from the hug.
"Uh sure, this place isn't in liveable condition," I tell him looking around.
"Ok well, how about we get some clothes for you guys and then we get the girls and go out to a park." He suggests. I smile and nod. 

A/N sorry for the shortish chapter.

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