The Cutest Witnesses.

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Tim's POV

I walk over to Emmett.
"You need to leave Emmett," I tell him standing slightly taller than him.
"Ok well, I'm taking my kids with me." He says right back to me while leaning over to pick up Willow and Oakley. But I quickly pick them up.
"No. You will leave now." I tell him in a stern voice leaving it not up for discussion. Emmett just scoffs and walks off. I then hear some giggling and feel Willow and Oakley start to squirm.
"Put me down!" They both giggle. I smile at their cute giggles.
"What if I don't?" I ask playfully and start to tickle their small backs this causes a fit of laughter so I put them down as we are in a hospital, and people are dying. I bring the girls over to three seats. After a little, I'm starting to get hungry and I realise Willow and Oakley are getting bored of sitting still.
"Do you girls want some ice cream? There's some good ice cream down in the cafeteria." I tell the two small girls. I watch as their faces light up with joy. We walk down to the cafeteria and I buy them an Ice-Cream and we sit down at a table and chairs. I turn my phone on and start recording the conversation as proof of the case I'm using against Emmett.
"Hey girls I have some questions I need to ask you," I say with a small smile. I shouldn't be roping them into this but they are witnesses. 
"Yeas?" Oakley asks me with a mouthful of chocolate ice cream, Damn these kids go to town on ice cream.
"Can you tell me what happened last night with your Mum and Dad?" I ask them softly.
"Well I heard Daddy come home and then I heard a big BANG!" Oakley explains.
"Yeah! I then heard Mummy crying and heard some more banging for a little. Also, Daddy yelled at her." Willow told me. These poor kids had to hear all that. They are still small too, maybe three.
"What did your Daddy yell?" I ask worried.
"He yelled in his big mad voice. 'You had Bradford here you slut. You brought him into our kid's life.' Willow continued. "I don't know who Bradford is or what a slut is? What do they mean?" Willow asked. My eyes widened uh oh.
"Uh, a slut is a bad word and it describes someone of some sort. But they aren't like you Mum, the complete opposite. Also, I'm Bradford. I work with you Mum as cops and my last name is Bradford so people call me Sergeant Bradford." I tell them. 
"Oh okay!" Willow says. 
"Do you have a fancy badge like they do on Mummy's crime shows?" Oakley asked, Jeez these kids are curious, just like their Mum. 
"Yeah, I do this is it," I tell them with a smile and show them my badge while I smile as I think about how much they look like.. LUCY! I completely forgot she would be done getting tests done now I stopped recording the conversation. 
"Alright come on let's go see your Mum!" I tell the two girls as I wipe their faces off with a napkin.

Lucy's POV
"Ok, Lucy you have a mild concussion, a few bruised ribs and some cuts, bumps and bruises," Grace told me.
"Oh is that why Tim was worried?" I ask Grace.
"Yeah. There's not much we can do other than clean you up and get you a prescription." She told me, I just nodded. I knew I was safe with Grace because she knew Nolan. She then started working on my bumps and bruises.

A while later she was finally finished.
"You're going to need to stay off your feet for a couple of weeks and we will get you into the doctors for some checkups," Grace informed me.
"Where's Tim, Willow and Oakley?" I ask confused.
"They went to the cafeteria." She was cut off by the door opening. "Speaking of them." She smiled and then left. 
"Mummy!" Willow and Oakley shrieked.
"My Babies!" I say with a smile. 
"Can we go on your bed? I want cuddles!" Oakley asked.
"Yes, honey. Tim, can you please lift them?" I ask him as it hurts to move.
"Sure thing." He says and then aeroplanes each kid up. I just watch with a smile.
"Are you ok Mummy?" Willow asks me with concern. 
"Yeah, are you Lucy?" Tim asked as well. Ever since he first grew suspicious of me he started calling me by my first name and speaking in a softer tone.
"Two broken ribs and a mild concussion, you were right," I tell him
"Ouch, Good thing I brought you in. Also, Emmett left." Tim tells me. I smile knowing he kept me safe.

After a while the girls were asleep and I was free to go home but we went to Tim's for obvious reasons. We pulled into Tim's driveway and he picked the girls up out of their car seats and carried them inside as they slept. Once he helped me tuck them in we went out to his couch and sat down.
"So, I talked to the girls while they ate some ice cream.." He speaks up.
"You gave them ice cream?" I asked honestly shocked he did.
"Was I not supposed to?" He asked worried.
"Oh no, It's fine just now you're going to be their favourite," I say with a smile.
"Sorry!" He says grinning.
"So what did you talk to them about?" I ask him confused.
"I'll just play it for you." He tells me. I'm so confused but he grabs his phone and starts playing the voice notes. 

"Hey girls I have some questions I need to ask you." I hear Tim say through the phone.

"Yeas?" Oakley answers back in her silly tone.
"Can you tell me what happened last night with your Mum and Dad?" Tim interviewed my daughters. It then hits me, they are witnesses this could be enough for Emmett to go to jail for a while.

"Well I heard Daddy come home and then I heard a big BANG!" Oakley exclaimed through the phone.

"Yeah! I then heard Mummy crying and heard some more banging for a little. Also, Daddy yelled at her." Willow says through the phone. This makes me start to cry reliving the fear, Tim notices and pulls me into a tight embrace. I keep listening.

"What did your Daddy yell?" Tim asked the girls.

"He yelled in his big mad voice. 'You had Bradford here you slut. You brought him into our kid's life.' Willow continued. "I don't know who Bradford is or what a slut is? What do they mean?" Willow asked through the phone. Uh oh, my kids asked what slut meant...

"Uh, a slut is a bad word and it describes someone of some sort. But they aren't like you Mum, the complete opposite. Also, I'm Bradford. I work with you Mum as cops and my last name is Bradford so people call me Sergeant Bradford." Tim tells them. It makes me smile a little knowing how good he is with kids.

"Oh okay!" Willow says through the phone.

"Do you have a fancy badge like they do on Mummy's crime shows?" Oakley asked through the phone.

"Yeah, I do this is it," Tim says through the phone. The voice note then ends.
"This is almost enough to put Emmett in jail for a while," Tim tells me.
"Thank you, Tim," I tell him and hug him.

Tim's POV
"We should get to bed," I suggest to Lucy. 
"I'll share with the girls." She tells me, as Lucy gets up off the couch. I shoot up and grab Lucy by my waist without thinking. I quickly let go of her and hoped she didn't mind.
"No, you can take my bed," I tell her.
"No, I'll just take the couch then." Lucy refuses. After a while of me protesting she just laid down on my couch and closed her eyes. I shrug it off, go to my bed and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. 

At about 2 AM I hear my bedroom door open, I immediately wake up but I don't sit up because I know exactly who it is. My eyes are open just enough to see her wet face frowning. She walks in and climbs into my bed on the other side trying to be as quiet as possible. I hear her sniffling. Screw it. I scoot over to her, pull her in gently, hug her and go back to sleep.

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