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Tim's POV
Lucy and I have been seeing each other for about a month now, We haven't said I love you yet or become official yet. I think about this while she lays on me like a sloth she moves her head a bit waking up.

"Good morning," I tell her. She hugs me a bit tighter.
"Bad morning." She tells me.
"Why, did you wake up on the wrong side of me?" I joke.
"Ugh." She groans and gets off me clearly trying to annoy me as she does this, cute.

I get changed and by the time I exit her room Willow and Oakley are sitting at the lounge room coffee table with toast and watching Paw Patrol.

"Morning girls," I tell the two girls.
"Tim!" They both squeal as they run to me and hug me.
"You two sleep well?" I ask them.
"Yes!" They both giggle and go back to watching TV. "Where's your Mum?" I ask them, and they just point to the kitchen so I head to the kitchen, I see her and she's holding her head in her hands.
"What's the matter?" I ask her.
"I have a headache." She says plainly.
"That's not good, you should rest," I suggest.
"I would but I have two kids to look after alone." She snaps at me.
"I have an idea. Do you trust me?" I question her.
"Sure. What's your idea?" She asks me.
"I'm going to call Angela to babysit, the girls and Jack can have a sleepover and we are going to relax and then later I'm taking you on a date," I tell her with a smile.
"Yes please!" She says smiling for the first time today. It's only been a little and I had already missed her smile.
"Also then your girls will probably make more money from intel," I say with a smile. I then pull out my phone and call Angela.

Angela: "What do you need at 9 AM on a Saturday?"
Tim: "I need you to take Willow and Oakley for a night. Lucy isn't feeling well."
Angela: "Fine, I'm only doing this so I can learn more about you two from her kids, I know you two have been going on lots of dates when are you going to make it official?"
Tim: "Planning to ask her tonight if you hurry up and get your ass here." 
Angela: "Be there in a few."

After the call ends I go over the Willow and Oakley and get them changed so Lucy doesn't have to. I don't know if this is overstepping but she needs to relax. 

"Willow, Oakley c'mon we need to get you changed Auntie Angela's here!" Lucy yells from the kitchen.

The three of us walk out to Lucy.

"No, they don't," I say with a smile.
"Thank you, Tim," Lucy says with a huge smile. Thank god she didn't get mad. We walked the two girls out to Angela and put them in the car.
"Bye Mummy!" The two girls said as Angela left with them.
"Thank god, I love them to death but I needed this," Lucy says with relief.

 We went back inside and sat down on the couch cuddled up and started watching a show Lucy picked out, usually, I wouldn't watch shows like this but it makes Lucy happy so I watch it. While the start of the third episode started playing I looked down at Lucy who was asleep on my chest, I took a few pictures and then sat up while lifting her, walking her to her bedroom and tucking her in.

Lucy's POV
I wake up and notice I'm lying in my bed alone, wasn't Tim here? Didn't I fall asleep on the couch? I exit my room and see Tim watching the game on the TV.

"Good Morning again." He says when he notices me standing in the doorway.
"Did you move me to the bed? What time is it?" I ramble.
"Yes I moved you, and the time is about 3 PM." He tells me.
"Oh okay," I say, I then walk over to him, drop on the couch next to him and cuddle up to him.
"Are you feeling better now?" He asks me as he looks down at me.
"Yep!" I say with a smile. 
"So do you want to go on a date tonight?" He questions me.
"Sure," I say with a smile. I then look at the TV and start watching the game with Tim as he explains how it works.

Once the game finished it was 5 so Tim left to get ready and I got ready too. I put on a green dress. (If you're a real rookie fan yk what one I'm talking about.) While I'm finishing my makeup up I hear a knock on the door, I put away my makeup, grab my stuff and open the door, I open it to see Tim in a nice suit.

"Looking fancy!" I say while I look him up and down. He's doing the same.
"You look beautiful Luce." He says with a smile.
"I always do!" I joke. We then head out to the restaurant. While we are waiting for our food Tim looks into my eyes and opens his mouth and starts to speak.
"Lucy, the main reason I wanted to take you out tonight was to ask, Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He says with a small hopeful smile. Is this really happening?
"Of course I will!" I say with a huge grin. We finish dinner and head back to mine now as a couple. Tim walks me in and closes the door behind him, we walk in the kitchen and I hug him tightly.
"Thank you for today," I say to him.
"I love you, Lucy," Tim tells me. I look up at him with a smile. 
"I love you too," I tell him back.
"Can I do something?" Tim asks me as he holds my chin so I can't look away from his ocean-blue eyes, I just nod because I'm trying so hard to not blush.

 He leans over a bit and kisses me. I stand on my toes and kiss him back, letting my hands explore him a bit. Something just went off in me and I yank off his jacket while hoping he was going to be feeling the same. He clearly is because he picks me up and carries me to my room. He throws me on the bed climbing on top of me and kisses my neck. I can't handle it anymore I let out a soft moan. He starts to pull off my dress as I try and pull off his shirt. Soon we are both butt naked and exploring parts of each other we haven't seen before. Thank god my two daughters aren't here so Angela won't find out about this.

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