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Lucy's POV
Tim and I are finishing up fixing the house. Nolan also helped with fixing the walls but now it's looking like a normal person's house.
"I think we are all done," Tim says while looking around.
"Yeah! I think the girls are going to be excited to come back home, let's go get them." I tell Tim. We get into the car and drive back to Tim's.
"You know if you ever need help with them or anything or need some comforting or advice you can come to me." He tells me as we pull into his driveway. I nod and get out of the car. We go inside to see Angela with a messy hairstyle looking mad. Tim quickly grabs out his phone and takes a few pictures while laughing.
"Sorry.." I tell her.
"Yeah, I'm not babysitting again." She jokes.
"Bye Auntie Angela." The girls giggle and hug her.
"Bye, cuties," Angela tells them whispers something to them, and slips them $5 each.
"What did you tell them?" I ask her confused.
"Nothing!" Angela tells me quickly and runs off. I shrug and pack our stuff and we drive back to mine with Tim.
"Girls we are home!" I say cheerfully. I help them out of their car seats and they run inside.
"Where is Daddy?" Asks Oakley. I start to let out my tears. Tim starts to speak.
"Your dad's going to not be around for a while." He tells them. He's so good with them.
"But who will help Mummy?" Asks Willow. 
"I will, is that ok with you?" He asks. WHAT? I think Tim likes me back... The girls nod and run off to their room. I walk over to the lounge room and sit on the couch, far away from where Emmett last sat. Tim notices this and sits on the other couch.
"Tim? Can I ask you something?" I ask Tim.
"Sure. What's up?" He asks me. I take a second to think.
"Why did u let me stay with you for so long?" I ask him.
"Because of him. I didn't want you to get hurt... So you will do well on shift." He corrects himself but I see right through the lie.
"No, I think you like me... And I like u too." I tell him nervously.
"What?" He asks with a small smile forming. I think I was right.
"Am I right? Also, I reckon you were too scared about how people would think of you, You know like dating your former Rookie." I tell him.
"Yeah kind of." He tells me.
"Well I felt the same but I don't think we should use that as an excuse to just ignore our feelings," I tell him. 
"Same.. Lucy, would you like to go on a date with me sometime?" He asks. FINALLY!
"Of course," I tell him with a smile. I then hear giggling.
"Mummy, can we use your phone to Facetime Auntie Angela?" Two small voices ask.
"Uh, sure. Sit down." I grab my phone and start the Facetime call with Angela. I hand the girls my phone and hear Angela answer.
"Spill." She says I look at Tim with confusion.
"Tim asked Mummy on a date and she said yes!" They say to their Aunt. 
"KNEW IT!" She screams.
"Next time you see us you better have the money." They tell her. Tim laughs a little.
"OH MY GOD IS TIM THERE WITH YOU?" Angela squeals.
"Yes!" They say together.
"Girls I'll be there in a bit with your money," Angela says through the phone. 
"Uh oh," I say to Tim.
"I kinda wanna see what she wants." Tim shrugs. I giggle. I take my phone from the girls.
"HEY! We need to make some more phone calls. Can you call Uncle Jackson he owes us money too." Willow tells me. 
"How much money are you making from our relationship?" Tim questions the girls.
"About $200 each in total for this information," Oakley says.
"Luce you taught your kids well," Tim tells me with a smile.
"Yeah, that's about $250 each now." Willow giggles and runs off with the phone to call people with information.
"Lucy your kids are right now telling people about our date," Tim tells me. I smile and shrug.
"Oh well, at least they aren't asking about him," I tell Tim, I don't even want to say his name. 

Tim's POV
Lucy's smile fades as she mentions Emmett I get up and sit next to her and pull her into a hug. I feel her tears start to fall from her eyes and my shirt catches them all.
"It's ok, I won't let him near you ever again," I tell her.
"We know Tim," Angela speaks up making Lucy flinch.
"Very funny Angela," I tell her and look down at Lucy's face which has mascara running down it.
"Here," Angela says and hands me a tissue. I wipe her tears away.
"What are you staring at Angela?" I question her angrily.
"Nothing just thinking how much fun it's going to be third wheeling you." She says with a smile.
"Willow! Oakley Auntie Angela is here!" Lucy yells to her daughters.
"Auntie Angela, do you got our cash?" The two girls squeal.
"Yep, now don't tell Uncle Wesley he will be very mad." She tells Willow and Oakley as she hands them $110 each.
"What the hell?!" Lucy says as she watches the exchange.
"We had a deal, money for information," Angela tells Lucy with a smirk. "So I know all about you two, including Tim the Simp, driving you to the hospital in YOUR car, him going out to get you clothes him even helping you clean this place. Oh, and all the cuddles and special soft voice." Angela adds. She then gets up. "Keep it down tonight or you will wake the girls and I'll know all about it as well." She says with a smirk. She hugs the girls goodbye and whispers something to them and the girls run off giggling.
"ANGELA WHAT DID YOU TELL THEM!" Lucy yells with a smile. Angela just waves and leaves.
"Can you believe her?" I ask Lucy.
"Honestly this is so Angela." Lucy jokes.

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