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A/N Btw this is basically Caleb but different because this makes more sense for the story in my opinion.

Tim's POV
I leave the room, pick up my phone and dial Grey's number.

Grey- "What is it Bradford it's your day off. You should be relaxing." 
Tim- "I'm at Lucy's and it's her daughter's birthday and then there was a knock and she opened it. She then asked for my gun because she doesn't keep hers on her as a habit and then she yelled "What are you fucking doing here" Or whatever and it was Emmett he says he got out but I don't believe it. But he fucking hit her and shit, I need you to send someone out here to get him so I can take Lucy to the hospital." 
Grey- "Oh ok I'll send officers out there now."
Tim- "The door just slammed shut hang on."
*I walk out to the kitchen and see Lucy and Emmett gone.*
Tim- "Fuck he took her." 
Grey- "OK, the backup is coming." 
I hang up the call and run outside and see there is no sight of them. 
"Tim?" Asks Oakley with teary eyes.
"Hey, it's ok," I say as I lower myself to my knees so I'm at their level.
"We saw Daddy hurting Mummy," Willow spoke up as she cried. "I saw you hit Daddy." Willow finishes.
"I'm so sorry you had to see that girls. Just know that I was helping your Mum OK? Your Dad was hurting her so I had to do that to get him off her. But I will never do that to you two or your Mummy OK." I assure the two small girls. I open my arms for a hug and they both run into my arms. I wrap my arms around them and hug them. We wait for the officers to arrive and I tell them about the day. Once I'm done I go inside to get the girls.
"Hey, do you two want to see the inside of a police car?" I ask the two girls trying to lighten the mood. 
"Yeah!" They say with a smile. I walk them outside to a shop. I help them in and show them the lights and sirens, the radio and more stuff, They then sit in the back and act like criminals.
"Why are the girls in the back of my shop acting like criminals?" Asks Jackson. I just shrug with a smile.
"Are we ready to go back to the station?" I ask him.
"Yep," Jackson says. I get the girls out of the shop and drive them to the station.
When we arrive at the station I bring the girls inside. Wesley is waiting there with Jack so he and the girls can play together. I leave the girls with Wesley and Enter the role call room to be briefed.

It's been 24 hours since Emmett first arrived at Lucy's door. I'm sitting in the roll call room with Willow and Oakley as they sleep on an air mattress that Wesley had brought over here before he took Jack home when all of a sudden Angela bursts through the door. "We know where she is! Wesley is almost here so we can go get her!" Angela screams waking up Willow and Oakley.
"You know where Mummy is?" Asks Willow. 
"Yes, Willow!" I say with a smile.

Lucy's POV
I'm locked in a pitch-black basement. Emmett has checked on me a few times but other than that I've been lying here unable to move from the pain I'm in. All of a sudden I hear some banging which makes me jump I hear a shot and then I hear the door to the basement bust open. Light bursting through the door I see a man appear in the door holding a gun.
"Lucy?" Shouts a familiar voice. Tim.
"Tim!" I shout crying. He runs over to me. He falls to his knees and picks me up and holds me against his chest sobbing.
"Tim, do you have her?" Shouts Angela.
"Yes!" He shouts through sobs.
"I was so scared," I say quietly.
"I know baby, can you walk?" He asks in his soft tone.
"No," I tell him plainly.
"Ok, 3, 2, 1." He says as he lifts me trying to not hurt me, he still does though. 
"Ow, ow, ow." I cry as he walks me up the stairs of the basement. He gets me to the ambulance and rides with me there.

When we get there I get wheeled into the ER and a bunch of tests are done. After a while Grace walks over to me.
"Alright, so no surgery is needed but you have a broken arm, some cuts that need stitches and another concussion, but this one is a bit worse. If you keep getting concussions I'm going to have to surgically attach bubble wrap to your head." Grace tells me adding a joke at the end. I nod and she gets to work with the stitches and cast. When she's done she takes me to my room.
"Can I see my kids?" I ask her.
"Yep! I'll go get them and Tim now," Grace tells me. She leaves. After 5 minutes I hear my door open, I look up to see my daughters and Tim walking in. 
"Mummy!" They squeal with delight, and they both climb onto the tall hospital bed. Don't ask me how though.
"My babies!" I say with tears in my eyes, I pull them into a tight hug.
"How are you, Luce?" Asks a concerned Tim. 
"Another concussion, stitches and A broken arm," I tell him as I lift my arm that has a cast on it. He just pouts and kisses me on my head.
"Ew," Willow says plainly.
"Mummy, can we sign your cast?" Asks Oakley with a smile. 
"Sure!" I grab the Sharpies Grace had left next to me and hand them to the three of them. Tim writes 'Get better soon beautiful, I love you -Tim x' Willow and Oakley draw some pictures and write their names messily. I smile at their cute concentrating faces as they draw.

Save me from him. - A Chenford story.Where stories live. Discover now