Save Me From Him

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Lucy's POV

I was sleeping when I was suddenly awoken by being slapped.
"YOU HAD BRADFORD HERE YOU SLUT. YOU BROUGHT HIM INTO OUR KIDS LIFE!" He screamed right back to me. He grabbed me and dragged me out of the bed throwing me against the ground and starting to beat me. I let out pained sobs and after an hour he finally stopped and left leaving me crying. Once the door shut I heard running.
"Mummy, are you ok?" Asked a concerned set of twins.
"Yes girls, do you want to go on a night drive?" I ask my girls, who are now feeling less sick than this morning when they woke me.
"Yes, Mummy!" They squeal.
We straight away leave the house for the car before Emmett can get back. I know exactly where I'm going, I know where I'll be safe.
20 minutes later I pull into Bradford's driveway, I can see him through the window watching the game. I grab my two sleeping daughters from my car, walk up to the door and knock. I wait a second and then a door opens. Tim's face immediately drops as he sees me all bashed up in a tank top and pants while holding my sleeping daughters.
"Quick come inside." He pulls me in. He leads me to a guest bedroom to put the girls down in.

Tim's POV
I couldn't believe the sight I saw when I opened the door. Poor Lucy was just standing there so broken. I brought her inside and led her to my guest room so she could put her cute daughters to sleep properly. After a couple of minutes, she comes out of the room and just stands in the doorway looking scared. I pat the sofa to invite her to sit next to me. She comes and sits as far away from me as she can. I scan her over and all I see is bruises and cuts. 
"What happened Luce?" I ask her softly. She starts to sob, I hold my arms out letting her know she can hug me if she wants. She sees this gesture and scoots along the couch to hug me tightly.
"Emmett. He was mad about you being at our house. He knew, I don't know how." Lucy explains through sobs. That bitch. I'm going to make him pay.
"The girls heard." She cries more.
"Luce, can I do anything for you?" I ask sympathetically. I would do anything for her right now.
"Save me from him." She begs.
"Of course. You can stay here before we get him. You and the little boots." I tell her.
"Thank you so much, Tim. You don't know how much this means to me." She says lightly to me. After a little longer of her just crying and me holding her plotting how I'm going to arrest Emmett I hear Lucy wince a bit, I shoot my head down to look at her.
"Are ok?" I ask her kindly.
"It hurts. LOTS." She winces again. The adrenaline rush must be wearing off.
"I'll go get a first aid kit," I tell her, I then carefully move her off my lap and go to the bathroom and get the kit from the cabinet. I also get one of my LAPD shirts so she can be more covered because I know she will be feeling insecure. I walk back over to her. I point to her cuts.
"May I?" I ask her to be a gentleman. She simply nods. After I cleaned her up and bandaged her up, she slid the shirt I handed to her over her shirt. I sit back down and she moves her head onto my lap and we fall asleep in that position.

Lucy's POV
In the morning I woke up to me lying on Tim's lap. He was already awake and was watching TV. I immediately shot up.
"Woah! It's ok, calm down." Tim says softly to me. I look around looking where I am. I can't really remember what happened last night so I had so many questions.
"Where are Willow and Oakley?" I ask in a panic.
"Ohh, that's their names? That's adorable. But they woke up a little ago I gave them some toast and jam is that ok?" He tells me. He then points towards his kitchen. I painfully walk into the kitchen and see my daughters sitting there giggling at something they had drawn on some paper Tim had given them. I smiled.
"Hey Girls are you ok?" I ask them as I sit down next to them at the dining table. A second later Tim walks in and hands me a coffee.
"Thanks, Tim," I say and sip the cup.
The girls just giggle.
"When did I come here? Why the hell did I wake up on your lap? I'm so confused right now."  I scramble looking for answers.
"Uh, can you not remember anything from last night?" He asked sounding worried.
"No? Is that bad?" I asked confused.
"Yea I mean it might be bad. You could have a concussion. Do you know what day it is?" He asked interviewing me.
"Saturday?" I ask unsure.
"It's Sunday, Come on I'm taking you to the hospital." He says sternly. He then stands up and holds out his hand.
"Oh, uh ok. Come on girls we are going to the hospital." I say to the girls as I get up slowly.
"Otay!" Willow says in a silly tone which makes me smile.

Tim's POV
"Do they have car seats in your car?" I ask Lucy knowing I'm probably going to have to drive her piece of shit car.
"Yes, I hate Emmett, not our kids." She says trying to joke. I groan.
"Go get your keys we can just take your piece of shit," I tell her.
10 Minutes later we arrived at the hospital. I don't think the severity of the situation is registering to Lucy because she's as cool as a cucumber. Maybe it's because this happens a lot...
I rush her inside with her two daughters trailing behind me.
"Hi, I need her seen immediately. Also, we want Grace." I demand.
"I'm sorry sir you need to wait and we don't take demands for hospital staff." The doctor says, I know he's doing his job but it still frustrates me. I pull my badge out.
"I said now. Tell Grace it's Bradford and Chen." I tell him. 
"Yes sir, I'm so sorry." The doctor says as he pages Grace and a couple of minutes later she appears.
"Hey guys what's up?" She asks when she sees us. 
"Yeah, what's up?" I hear a stern voice ask. 
"Daddy!" I hear Lucy's daughters squeal. Lucy suddenly stands behind me.
"Grace we think Lucy has a concussion I'll give you details later, just take her and do whatever medical shit needs to be done, just make sure she's ok," I tell Grace. She nods. I turn to Lucy.
"Go with her, I'll look after your girls and get rid of him," I tell Lucy she just nods and speed walks away with Grace.

A/N Sorry to randomly stop but it's a cliffhanger I guess because this chapter will be too long.

Save me from him. - A Chenford story.Where stories live. Discover now