What the fuck are you doing here?

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A/N it's been about 2 months since Tim and Lucy started dating officially.

Tim's POV
Lucy and I are awoken by two giggling girls crawling around her bed and jumping around. I look over at the time. 5 AM.
"Mummy! Tim! Wake up it's our birthday!" Willow calls out as she crawls onto me and Oakley crawls over to Lucy.
"I'm awake!" I say as I grab Willow and hug her, she kicks and screams with a giggle fit. I look over to Lucy who is attacking Oakley with kisses.
"So why are you two waking us up at 5 a.m. on a random day?" I tease.
"It's our birthday we are 4 in 12 minutes!" Oakley squeals.
"No, I'm four in 12 minutes you're four in 15 minutes!" Willow teases.
"Mummy Willow is being mean!" Oakley complains to Lucy. Lucy just groans in response.
"Willow don't tease your sister, you know I can arrest you for that?" I tell the small girl on my lap, I really can't and I wouldn't but they don't know that. Lucy looks at me and smiles a thank you.
"I'm so sorry Oakley!" Willow apologises to her sister scared of being arrested.
"It's fine Willow. Mummy, will Daddy be at our party?" Oakley asks her Mum, I watch as Lucy's face becomes sad.
"Girl how about you go watch some TV, you know how to turn it on right?" I suggest knowing Lucy needs some space.
"Yes, Timmy!" The now two four-year-olds say, giggle and run off.
"Come here," I say to Lucy as they leave, I pull her into a tight embrace.
"I'm going to have to tell them eventually but I can't, how the hell do you tell two small girls that their Dad was abusive and is now in prison." She cries.
"Hey it's ok, you don't have to tell them now maybe soon though," I tell her as she nuzzles her face into my chest. 

Lucy's POV 
After a while of Tim and I cuddling we get up and start to prepare the party decorations. It's now 10 AM two hours until the party when I hear a knock at the door. I open the door to see a tall man standing in the door, I immediately slam the door shut and lock it.
"Lucy, why did you slam the door?" Tim asks me confused.
"Do you have your gun?" I demand.
"Uh? Yes." He tells me and runs to my room and grabs it and hands it to me. I open the door again to reveal Emmett. I point the gun at him.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask. I hear Tim walk up behind me.
"It's my daughter's birthday. Also, I wanted to say hi." This sends shivers up my spine. 
"You are supposed to be in prison," Tim speaks up from behind me. I freeze.
"I was released. Also, I fucking knew it you slut you were fucking Bradford." He says, I'm still frozen. "Now where are my kids?" He yells making me flinch. 
"Daddy!" My two girls yell. Tim grabs the gun from my hand making me shoot my head around.
"It's just me Luce." He says in his soft voice that's reserved for me when I'm about to break down. 
"Tim, you need to get that gun out of here," I tell him.
"Why?" He asks.
"He will use it on me, trust me he will he's mad about us it's already going to be bad because I pointed a gun at him," I tell him as I cry. 
"Ok, I'll take it back to mine will you be fine here for 10 minutes?" He asks.
"Hopefully just take it back to yours," I tell him. He quickly leaves with the weapon. He's been gone for four minutes when Emmett enters the kitchen which is where I am now. 
"Where did the pretty boy go?" His loud voice booms.
"He's taking his gun back to his," I say coldly as I give Emmett a look. Slap! His hand hits my face hard. 
"That's for giving me a look." He booms. He then throws a punch at me. 
"That's for being a slut." He carries on hitting me around. After what feels like an hour I hear the front door open and Tim runs in and knocks Emmett off me, He then throws punches at Emmett's face repeatedly.
"Tim stop! The girls are here." I tell him through tears. He looks over at my beaten face. 
"Luce, are you ok?" He questions me. I just nod, it's not like this hasn't happened before. 
"Emmett you stay there, I'm calling the station to get you so I can take Lucy to the hospital," Tim tells him as he walks off leaving me on the ground next to Emmett.

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