That's how you interrogate, Detective.

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Lucy's POV
I get woken up by Tim moving a little bit, he is already awake but I'm still in his arms and we both don't seem to mind. It's almost, nice. I turn painfully to face him.
"Good Morning," I say with a small smile. 
"Morning! Are you feeling ok enough to go to work? Get Emmett arrested?" Tim asks me.
"Yeah. But we have a few issues." I informed him.
"I didn't come here with any clothes except the tank top and pants and no way in hell am I going anywhere in that, and the girls have no clothes and I can't show up in this because everyone's already going to be confused about me being all bashed up and us arriving together." I rant.
"Ok well lucky for you, I'm a problem solver!" He starts to say making me laugh. "You stay here and I can go get you clothes from yours, anyone who stares or has an issue can talk to me, and I'll have their badge." He assures me.
"If you go to mine Emmett won't be happy," I tell him remembering what happened last time Tim was in our house.
"OK, I'll go to the shops right now and get you guys some new clothes. At least I'll get to make you look bad!" He jokes.
"Thank you for all this, we will be gone soon." I let him know since I don't want to be a burden.
"It's no problem, I like the company!" He smiles, then gets up and goes out to the shops. While he's gone I try and clean a bit since there are three extra people here than he's used to. 

After a little, the girls are watching a movie on his TV and I'm on my phone when I hear a car, I panic thinking it could be Emmett I stand behind a wall near the door to try and see who it is. The door opens and I see Tim walk in.
"Lucy?" He asks when he sees me. He then realises what happened.
"He can't get you here you know?" He tells me. He then hands me the target bag.
"I guessed your sizes." He smiled. "But be fast we are late." I take the girls to their room and see what he got them. I look in the bag to see matching patched-up jeans and a Snow White and Cinderella shirt. I get my girls dressed and then grab out some jeans and a shirt with flowers on it. Not too bad. We all walk out and he looks up from his phone. 
"Look at you two little princess." He smiles and tells Willow and Oakley. "I think I deserve an award for best outfit!" He says.
We go out to his car and the girl's car seats are in it.
"Thank you," I say.
"Oh no that was for me, I was not going to be driving your crap car again." He smiles. We get my girls bucked into the car. We take the girls to their daycare, that's now open again I drop them in and then we arrive at the station.

Tim's POV
"I told Grey that we were going to be late and that we had to talk to him, He's going to help get rid of Emmett." I let Lucy know. She looks over at me and nods. I get out of the car and help her out. When we walk in all eyes are on us, more on Lucy. It infuriates me so I stare down everyone who looks at us. We go into the separate locker rooms and then head to Grey's office.
"You ready?" I ask her in my TO voice since we are at work. I will admit I like Lucy but I know I can never act on it but I still like her.
"As ready as I can be." She tells me looking at my eyes. Her gorgeous brown eyes meet my own eyes. We head into Grey's office and I close the door.
"What did you guys need to talk to me about?" Grey asks professionally.
"We want to arrest her boyfriend for being abusive," I tell him cutting straight to the problem.
"Emmett Lang," Lucy speaks up.
"Why? Is he why you're all beat up?" Grey asks pointing to her bruised arm. Lucy clearly can't talk right now without breaking down so I speak up.
"Sir, She has two kids. Two adorable little girls, she stays with him because of them and he gets drunk and abuses her leaving them to listen to it all. They are witnesses to the most recent assault which landed her with broken ribs and a mild concussion as you know. I have a recording of them describing the attack." I tell him, I don't let him answer I just play the recording. 
"Ok well that's some pretty solid proof but they don't name-check him if we can get them here to do a drawing or to tell us his name then we would have solid enough grounds to arrest him,"  Grey tells us. "Also Chen I'm sorry this has all happened to you." He adds. Lucy just nods at him and we leave.

We go and pick up the twins from daycare and bring them back to the station. 
"Girls, do you want to see Aunt Angela and Uncle Jackson?" Lucy asks.
"YES!" They squeal as we walk into the station.
"They knew?!" I ask confused.
"Yeah. Sorry." She tells me. Angela and Jackson suddenly run up to us. 
"WILLOW, OAKLEY!" They say in sync and drop to their knees and hug them.
"Come on we are going to go talk," Angela tells them. We move in a pack of six to an interrogation room. 
"Ok, girls so you talked to Tim here right?" Angela asked.
"Yes, Auntie Angela!" They say smiling.
"Ok, what did you talk about?" She asks, trying to get the right answers out of them.
"Well we talked about Mummy and Daddy and their fights," Willow says.
"Ok, can you tell me your parent's names?" Jackson asks them.
"Our Mummy is Lucy Chen or as you guys call her Officer Chen!" Oakley says.
"And our Daddy is Emmett Lang, He's a firefighter with the LAFD," Willow adds. I watch with a smile knowing this will be more than enough. Then I have an Idea to get Emmett away for life. Angela opens her mouth to say something.

"Girls, can I ask you something?" I butt in.
"Yes, Tim or Sergeant Bradford!" They say together cheerfully.
"How often does your Daddy hurt your Mummy?" I ask looking at the others who are staring at me.
"Tim, what the hell are you doing?" Lucy asks.
"Getting this bastard away for Life," I tell her.
"Lot's maybe a few times a week. We know when it's bad because Mummy puts a movie on for us which is pretty often." Willow says.
"Are you girls good with time?" I ask them knowing they are pretty smart.
"Tim they are small still," Angela tells me knowing I don't have kids.
"Yeah, but their mum is Lucy," I tell snap back.
"That's true." Jackson shrugs smiling at Lucy.
"I'm pretty good, I can read the time but Willow can't," Oakley says teasing Willow.
"Ok Willow can also do a special job, Willow can you draw your family please?" I ask as I hand her some paper Angela was holding. Along with some pencils I knew were in a draw in here. 
"And Oakley, can you tell me how long your parent's fights usually last?" I know this is the second last question I need her to answer to put Emmett away for life.
"Well, it depends on how mad he is, Usually between half an hour to two hours. We can tell how bad it will be by what movie is put on. If it's two frozen movies then it's bad." She tells me. Lucy is such a good Mum but I look over to her. She crying because she's realising kids know all about her and their father, I point Jackson to her and turn to see Angela with her jaw dropped with how much information I'm getting from the girls.
"OK, my last question is, does your dad say anything to your Mum when they are fighting? If so what does he say?" I ask Oakley.
"He usually yells lots of bad words," Oakley tells me.
"Ok, well only this once you're allowed to tell me them bad words but you're not allowed to say them ever again," I tell her warning her. Her face lights up as well as Willow who is now done with the drawing.
"He yells. 'You fucking bitch.' Lots and also. 'You cunt. You're a slut and whore." The two small girls rehearse together with a smile.
"Thank you Willow and Oakley Chen, Or should I say Little Boots!" I say with a smile. I turn to Angela Smugly. 
"That's how you interrogate detective, Did you take some notes?" I say as I get up with the girls and bring them over to their mum.
"Chen, wipe them tears. We have a criminal to lock up." I tell her.

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