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Lucy's POV

I'm back in that basement, fighting Emmett when I'm shaken awake. I wake up noticing it was another nightmare, it's been a month since Emmett abducted me and I'm pretty much ok I just have some nightmares and I can't be alone and because of that Tim hasn't left my side.
"Luce it's ok I'm right here." He says from under me. I notice I'm lying on top of him like a sloth as I do usually. I don't say anything I just cry into his chest. He hugs me and comforts me as I cry until I eventually drift back to sleep.

When I wake back up I'm alone in my bed, I check the time 9 AM. I assume Tim is in the kitchen. Nope. I start to panic a bit. I searched the house starting to overthink what if Emmett came back and took him. No Emmett is dead Lucy. After I search the house I go to my room slide down a wall sitting on the ground. My legs start to shake, my nails dig into my knee until blood draws, and tears fall from my brown eyes. I start struggling to breathe. I then see Oakley appear in the doorway. 
"Mummy, are you ok?" She asks as she walks over to me as she sees me sobbing. I slightly shake my head.
"Oh uh. Where's your phone?" She asks me. I just point to my nightstand. She grabs my phone from my nightstand, unlocks it, clicks a few buttons and then puts it up to her ear.

Tim's POV
I'm at my house getting some more clothes when suddenly my phone starts to ring. I look at my phone. 'Luce 💗' I pick up.

Tim- "Luce are you okay?" 
Oakley- "Mummy can't breathe, she's crying and bleeding from her knee Tim."
Tim- "Oakley? I'll be there in a second, I need you to unlock your front door and hug your Mummy tightly."
Oakley- "Yes Tim."

I completely forgot to leave a note for Lucy shit. I grab my keys and get in my truck speeding to Lucy's house I arrive and run inside and to Lucy's room and see her on the ground her nails digging into her shaking leg making her knee bleed, And still struggling to breathe. Oakley was sitting next to Lucy and hugging her tightly just as I told her to do.
"Thank you, Oakley, go back to your room you did super well," I tell the girl, she gets up and leaves and I sit where she was. 
"Luce I'm so sorry I forgot to leave a note," I tell her with tears in my eyes. I pull her hands off her leg and hold her hands, she looks at me and hugs me tightly.
"Don't do that again." That is all she says.
"You're so lucky Oakley found you and called," I tell her. She just nods.
"Is it okay if I get up and go to the bathroom to get the first aid?" I ask her making sure she knows I'll still be here, once again Lucy just nods for an answer. I get up, go to the bathroom and come back with a first aid kit. Her leg has stopped shaking now and her breathing is starting to go back to normal. 
"Can I fix up your leg?" I ask her while I sit down in front of her.
"Yes." She says plainly. I open the kit, clean the wounds and carefully place Band-Aids on the cuts. 
"All better!" I say with a smile, lean in and kiss her on her cheek. She smiles.
"Thank you for getting here so fast it was such a stupid thing to panic about, I'm sorry I was being dramatic." She tells me with new tears forming in her eyes.
"Hey no don't be sorry and you weren't being dramatic," I assure her. She smiles and hugs me.
"Tim I have a question," Lucy tells me breaking the silence as we hug. 
"What is it?" I ask curiously.
"Do you want to move in? You're always here and the girls love you." She asks me. I let a huge smile show.
"Of course I will!" I tell her. She then leans in and kisses my lips.
"How about we go get some ice cream?" She suggests. 
"How about yes," I say with a smile, I stand up and then help Lucy up.
"Girls! Who wants ice cream?" Lucy yells as we exit OUR room.
"ME!" They both squeal. 
"We are going to get ice cream because Oakley you did such an amazing job calling Tim to get help," Lucy tells her daughter and gives her a big hug and kiss.

Save me from him. - A Chenford story.Where stories live. Discover now